Articles about stamps and covers which are directly related to Paleontology or Paleoanthropology

This page contains list of article pages with detailed description of postage stamps, postal stationeries and commemorative covers, which are directly related to Paleontology or Paleoanthropology science. Stamps depicting dinosaurs, other prehistoric animals and plants, fossils and paleontologists.
To date (August 2023), the list contains almost 300 articles. To keep updated about new and modified articles of the website please keep looking at News page.

Other available list is:
  • Stamps depicting fossil-found places, Natural History Museums with significant collection of fossils contributor to Paleontology or Paleoanthropology
  • Personalized stamps related to Paleontology or Paleoanthropology
  • Commemorative Covers related to Paleontology or Paleoanthropology

Please click on the issue title below to be redirected to the relevant page that contain: images of the stamps and all related philatelic products, including FDC as well as technical details and some description of depicted objects.
Please click on the country name to be redirected to the country page, to see all philatelic items of the country related to "Paleophilatelie" subjects.

Countries index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z
Brand new or modified pages are marked in bold.


Fossils on stamps Aland Islands
Fossils on stamps Aland Islands
Ankylosaurus on stamp Argentina
Ankylosaurus on stamp Argentina
Mammoth on stamp of Armenia
Mammoth on stamp of Armenia
Megafauna on stamps of Australia
Megafauna on stamps of Australia
Opalised dinosaur claw on stamp of Australia
Opalised dinosaur claw on stamp of Australia
Ammonite on stamp of Austria
Ammonite on stamp of Austria
Aland Islands Aland Islands
Post of Algeria Algeria
Argentina Argentina
Armenia Armenia
Ascension Island Ascension Island
Australia Australia
Austria Austria
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan

Pterosaurus on stamps Belgium
Pterosaurus on stamps Belgium
Megaloceros on stamp Belgium
Megaloceros on stamp Belgium
Dinosaurs on stamp of Brazil
Dinosaurs on stamp of Brazil
Plant fossil on stamp of B.A.T.
Plant fossil on stamp of B.A.T.
Megafauna on stamps of Australia
Miocene Mammals on stamps of Bulgaria

Belgium Belgium
Benin Benin
Bolivia Bolivia
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia Herzegovina
Brazil Brazil
British Antarctic Territory British Antarctic Territory (B.A.T)
Bulgaria Bulgaria
Burundi Burundi

Collection of Paleophilatlie related articles


Ornithomimus on stamps Canada
Ornithomimus on stamps Canada
Acrotholus on stamp Canada
Acrotholus on stamp Canada
Lufengosaurus on stamp of China
The fisrt stamp of Dinosaur
Sinosauropteryx on stamp of China
Sinosauropteryx on stamp of China
Neanderthal on stamp of Croatia
Neanderthal fossils and their discoverer, Dragutin Gorjanovic-Kramberger on stamps of Croatia
Canada Canada
Central African Republic Central African Republic
China China
Democratic Republic of the Congo (KINSHASA) Democratic Republic of the Congo (KINSHASA)
Croatia Croatia
Cuba Cuba
Curacao Curacao
Czech Republic Czech Republic (Czechia)

Mososaur tooth on stamp of Denmark
Mososaur tooth on stamp of Denmark

Denmark Denmark


The fisrt stamp of Charles Darwin
The fisrt stamp of Charles Darwin
Ecuador Ecuador
Post of Egypt Egypt
El Salvador Philately El Salvador

Collection of Paleophilatlie related books
Collection of Paleophilatlie related Books


Wooly Mammoth on stamp of France
Wooly Mammoth on stamp of France
Charles Darwin on stamp of French Polynesia
Charles Darwin on stamp of French Polynesia
Falkland Islands Falkland Islands
France France
French Polynesia French Polynesia


Plateosaurus on stamp of Germany
Plateosaurus on stamp of Germany
Archaeopteryx on stamp of Germany
Archaeopteryx on stamp of Germany
Charles Darwin on stamp of Great Britain
Charles Darwin on stamp of Great Britain
Ichthyosaurus on stamp of Great Britain
Ichthyosaurus on stamp of Great Britain
Plant fossils on stamp of Greenland
Plant fossils on stamp of Greenland
Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany
Gibraltar Gibraltar
Great Britain Great Britain
Greece Greece
Greenland Greenland

Sir Richard Owen on cachet of Great Britain's FDC 1991 Sir Richard Owen on cachet of Great Britain's FDC 1991
Portrait and signature of Sir Richard Owen on the cachet of "150th anniversary of Dinosaurs' identification by Sir Richard Owen" FDC of Great Britain, 1991.
To date (2023), any postage of Sir Richard owen was issued in Great Britain.
The letter sent by Professor Richard Owen from the British Museum to Sir Henry Barkly, the Governor of Cape Colony and British High Commissioner for Southern Africa, in Cape Town in 1876. The signature of Richard Owen is on the bottom left corner of the envelope.

Triceratops on stamp of Hong Kong
Triceratops on stamp of Hong Kong
Prehistoric bird on stamp of Hungary
Prehistoric bird on stamp of Hungary

Hong Kong Hong Kong
Hungary Hungary


Stegodons on stamp of India
The first stamp of prehistoric animals
Homo erectus family on stamp of Indonesia
Homo erectus family on stamp of Indonesia
Skull and antlers of Megaloceros giganteus on stamp of Ireland
Skull and antlers of Megaloceros giganteus on stamp of Ireland
Dinosaurs footprints on stamp of Italy
Dinosaurs footprints on stamp of Italy
India India
Indonesia Indonesia
Iraq Iraq
Irland Ireland
Isle of Man Isle of Man
Israel Israel
Italy Italy

Collection of Paleophilatlie related philatelic Exhibits
Collection of Paleophilatlie related philatelic Exhibits


Saurolophus dinosaur om stamp of Japan
Saurolophus dinosaur om stamp of Japan
Japan Japan
Jersey Jersey
Jordan Jordan


Stegosaurus on stamp of South Korea
Stegosaurus on stamp of South Korea
Longisquama on stamp of Kyrgyzstan
Longisquama on stamp of Kyrgyzstan
Ferganasaurus on stamp of Kyrgyzstan
Ferganasaurus on stamp of Kyrgyzstan
Kazachstan Kazakhstan
Korea North Korea North (DPRK)
South Korea Korea South
Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan


Stegosaurus on stamp of South Korea
Theropoda dinosaur on stamp of Laos
Ichthyosaurus on stamp of Luxembourg 2024
Fish fossil on stamp of Lebanon
Laos Laos
Latvia Latvia
Lebanon Lebanon
Lithuania Lithuania
Luxembourg Luxembourg

The History of the Discovery of Ichthyosaurs
The History of the Discovery of Ichthyosaurs

Alfonso Luis Herrera and theropoda dinosaur on stamp of Mexico
Alfonso Luis Herrera and theropoda dinosaur on stamp of Mexico
Muzzy pterosaur on stamp of Mexico
Muzzy pterosaur on stamp of Mexico
Prince AlbertI and excavation at Gargen cave on stamp of Monaco
Prince Albert I and goat's fossil on stamp of Monaco
Tarbosaurus Bataar on stamp of Mongolia
Tarbosaurus Bataar on stamp of Mongolia
Gobihadros mongoliensis  on stamp of Mongolia
Gobihadros mongoliensis on stamp of Mongolia
Aegirocassis benmoulae  on stamp of Morocco
Aegirocassis benmoulae on stamp of Morocco

Malta Malta
Marshal Islands The Marshall Islands
Mexico Mexico
Moldova Moldova
Monaco Monaco
Mongolia Mongolia
Morocco Morocco


Ediacaran fossils on stamp of Namibia
Ediacaran fossils on stamp of Namibia
Muzzy pterosaur on stamp of Mexico
Homotherium on personalized stamp of the Netherlands
Allosaurus on stamp of New Zealand
Allosaurus on stamp of New Zealand
Plesiosaurus on stamp of New Niuafo’ou
Plesiosaurus on stamp of New Niuafo’ou
Namibia Namibia
Nepal Nepal
Netherlands Netherlands
New Zealand New Zealand
Niuafo'o Niuafo'o
Norway Norway

The History of the Discovery of Ichthyosaurs
The History of the Discovery of Ichthyosaurs



Plesiosaur on stamp of Peru
Plesiosaur on stamp of Peru
Coelophysis  on stamp of Poland
Coelophysis on stamp of Poland
Aleksander Czekanowski on stamp of Poland
Aleksander Czekanowski on stamp of Poland
Sauropod on stamp of Portugal
Sauropod on stamp of Portugal
Peru Peru
Pitcairn Islands Pitcairn Islands
Poland Poland
Portugal Portugal


Hatzegopteryx on stamp of Romania
Hatzegopteryx on stamp of Romania
Inostrancevia  on stamp of Russia
Inostrancevia on stamp of Russia

Romania Romania
Russia Russia


Charles Darwin  on stamp of Serbia
Charles Darwin on stamp of Serbia
Herrerasaurus on stamp of Serbia
Herrerasaurus on stamp of Serbia
Hypsodontus on stamp of Serbia
Hypsodontus on stamp of Serbia
Pentaceratops  on stamp of Singapore
Pentaceratops on the thinest dinosaur stamp
Sauropod on stamp of Singapore
Sauropod on stamp of Singapore
Gastropod on stamp of Slovakia
Gastropod on stamp of Slovakia
Trilobite on stamp of Slovenia
Trilobite on stamp of Slovenia
Homo naledi on stamp of South Africa
Homo naledi on stamp of South Africa
Sauropod dinosaur on stamp of Spain
Sauropod dinosaur on stamp of Spain
Liopleurodon dinosaur on stamp of Spain
Liopleurodon dinosaur on stamp of Spain
Serbia Serbia
Singapore Singapore
Slovakia Slovakia
Slovenia Slovenia
Solomon Islands Solomon Islands
South Africa Republic of South Africa
Soviet Union Soviet Union
Spain Spain
Suriname Suriname
Sweden Sweden
Switzerland Switzerland


Kansajsuchus  on stamp of Tajikistan
Kansajsuchus on stamp of Tajikistan
Rubidgea on stamp of Transkei
Rubidgea on stamp of Transkei
Pteranodon on stamp of Turkey
Pteranodon on stamp of Turkey
Tajikistan Tajikistan
Thailand Thailand
Togo Togo
Transkei Transkei
Transnistria Transnistria
Turkey Turkey

Sir Richard Owen on cachet of Great Britain's FDC 1991 Sir Richard Owen on cachet of Great Britain's FDC 1991
Dinosaurs on "150th anniversary of Dinosaurs' identification by Sir Richard Owen" stamps of Great Britain, 1991.
The letter sent by Professor Richard Owen from the British Museum to Sir Henry Barkly, the Governor of Cape Colony and British High Commissioner for Southern Africa, in Cape Town in 1876. The signature of Richard Owen is on the bottom left corner of the envelope.


Charles Darwin on stamp of United Kingdom (UK)
Charles Darwin on stamp of United Kingdom (UK)
Neandertaler and Mammoth on stamp of Ukraine on stamp of Ukraine
Neandertaler and Mammoth on stamp of Ukraine
Thomas Jefferson on stamp of USA
Thomas Jefferson on stamp of USA
Brontosaurus on stamp of United Kingdom (UK)
Brontosaurus on stamp of USA
Charles Darwin on stamp of United Kingdom (UK)
Trex on stamp of USA
United Kingdom United Kingdom (UK)
Ukraine Ukraine
USA The United States of America (USA)

Origin of Species on stamp of Vanuatu
Origin of Species on stamp of Vanuatu
Origin of Species on stamp of Vanuatu
Origin of Species on stamp of Vanuatu

Vanutau Vanuatu



Yugoslavia Yugoslavia