Federal Republic of Germany
(FRG/West Germany and West Berlin)

Dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals, Neanderthal, fossils, fossil-found sites, paleontologists, paleoanthropologists and contributors to Paleontology and Paleoanthropology science, Charles Darwin, on stamps, postmarks and postal stationeries of Germany

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Post stationeries (prepaid postcards and covers)

Commemorative (illustrated but not prepaid) covers and postcards

Postmarks and meter franking issued by

Germany, officially the Federal Republic of Germany (German: Bundesrepublik Deutschland or BRD). The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. With about 82 million inhabitants, Germany is the most populous member state and the largest economy in the European Union. It is one of the major political powers of the European continent and a technological leader in many fields.

After 1945, Germany was divided by allied occupation, and evolved into two states:
East Germany (GDR/DDR) and West Germany (FRG/BRD), when West Berlin was a free city and political enclave surrounded by East Germany.
In 1990 Germany was reunified. [R1]

The main providers of post service [R2] were:
  • the Reichspost (1871–1945)
  • the Deutsche Post under Allied control (1945–1949)
  • the Deutsche Post of the GDR (1949–1990)
  • the Deutsche Bundespost (1949–1995), along with the Deutsche Bundespost Berlin (1949–1990)
  • the Deutsche Post AG (since 1995)
There are no Paleontology nor Paleoanthropology related stamps issued by Reichspost and Deutsche Post under Allied control. However, there are several postcards with fossils depicted on them, issued since the middle of 1800s.
Fossils of Ichthyosaur, Pterosaur and prehistoric crocodile Mystriosaurus on postcards of Germany, Reichspost, 1890s to 1930s
Fossils of Ichthyosaur, Pterosaur and prehistoric crocodile Mystriosaurus on postcards of Germany, Reichspost, 1890s to 1930s

The Skull of Temnodontosaurus trigonodon was discovered near castle (Schloss) Banz in South Germany in 1842. The skull is over 2m long and is the biggest Ichthyosaur skull discovered in Europe to date.
Fossils of Pterosaur and prehistoric crocodile Mystriosaurus were also discovered near the castle and shown on some of the postcards too.

Another example is the postcard of "Geo Saville" from Solingen with reconstruction of the Dinosaur Plateosaurus. Dinosaur on postcard of Germany 1912, Reichspost The issue date of the postcard is unknown, but it has to be no later than 1912, the postmark date on the postcard.
Plateosaurus lived during the Late Triassic period, around 214 to 204 million years ago, in what is now Central and Northern Europe.
Discovered in 1834 by Johann Friedrich Engelhardt and described three years later by Hermann von Meyer, Plateosaurus was the fifth named dinosaur genus that is still considered valid.
It is now among the dinosaurs best known to science: over 100 skeletons have been found, some of them nearly complete. The abundance of its fossils in Swabia, Germany, has led to the nickname Schwäbischer Lindwurm (Swabian lindwurm). [R3]

Official German Ersttablatt with Archaeopteryx stamp from 2011 Official German FDC with Archaeopteryx stamp from 2011 Unlike the Deutsche Post of the GDR, Deutsche Bundespost and Deutsche Bundepost Berlin published first day pages (Ersttagblatt) instead of first day covers (FDC). An Ersttagblatt is a thick A5 page with a stamp affixed and canceled on the front. On the back of the page is some background information on the issue. All FDCs with stamps issued by these postal authorities that are available on the market were not produced by the Bundespost. Instead the FDCs are produced by stamp dealers, philatelic clubs, societies or private individuals.

In more recent time, the Deutsche Post AG does produce some FDCs in limited quantities for subscribers of their “Deutschland Exclusive” service. These FDCs have the logo of Deutsche Post, unusually in the top-left corner and the “Deutschland Exclusive” label on the bottom right corner.
The Ersttagblatt are produced in mass quantities and can be purchased at the philatelic desk or online store of Deutsche Post.
Deutsche Post produces at least 2 commemorative postmarks for each issue. The first postmark is for Berlin, where the Federal Ministry of Finance is located. The second postmark is for Bonn, where the headquarters of the Deutsche Post are located. Usually, the Berlin postmark is used on the FDC, while the Bonn postmark is used on the Ersttagblatt.
Dealers, Organizations and Collectors who create their own FDCs can get their FDCs postmarked with the commemorative postmark up to 28 days after the issue was released.

Official stamps of Germany (Deutsche Post) related to Paleontology: fossils, dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals, petrified forest, Neanderthal

13.07.1978 "Fossils" [1] 20.08.1998"Word Heritage site: Messel Pit" [1]
Messel Pit fossils on stamps Germany 1978 Messel Pit fossil on stamps Germany 1998 MICHEL Dinos - whole world catalog - contain technical details and prices of stamps with dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals
07.08.2003 "Petrified forest Chemnitz" 10.08.2006 "Archeology in Germany: 150 years of discovery of Neandertaler" 04.09.2008 "Dinosaurs" [2]
Petrified forest of Chemnitz on stamp of Germany 2003 Fossil of Neandertal on stamp of Germany 2006 Dinosaurs on stamps of Germany 2008
02.01.2010 "Bicentennial of Berlin Natural History Museum" (mint and self-adhesive) [3] 11.08.2011 "150 years since discovery of Archaeopteryx"
Fossil of Dinosaur on stamp of Germany 2010 Fossil of Dinosaur on sef adhesive stamp of Germany 2010 Fossil of Archaeopteryx on stamp of Germany 2011

Messel Pit on commemorative postmark of Germany 1998 [1] Fossils from the Messel Pit.
The Messel Pit (German: Grube Messel) is a disused quarry near the village of Messel, about 35 km (22 mi) southeast of Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Messel Pit was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site on 9 December 1995, due to many fossils with significant geological and scientific importance found there.
The Messel Pit provides many very well preserved fossils of Eocene flora and fauna (56 to 33.9 million years ago), sometimes even with "skin shadows" .
Three species are commemorated on stamps: prehistoric bat (Palaeochiropteryx) and prehistoric horse (Propalaeotherium) in 1978, prehistoric crocodile (Diplocynodon) in 1998.
There are also several postmarks of Germany that shows the landscape of Messel Pit and some fossils found there.
Official FDC with Dinosaur stamps of Germany 2008 FDC of for the Youth organization with Dinosaur stamps of Germany 2008
[2] The first pictorial Dinosaur stamp set of Deutsche Post. Issued in cooperation with the organization "For the Youth" (Für die Jugend).
These stamps are semi-postal, the value before "+" is the postage rate of a domestic postcard (45c), domestic small letter up to 20gr. (55c) and domestic big letter up to 500gr. (145c).
The value after "+" is a donation to "For the Youth" organization, who issued an extra set of FDC with single stamps from the mini sheet.

Two different, small covers were issued. These covers had 2 stamps from the set on each cover and a cachet depicting the skeleton of either Triceratops or Diplodocus.
One set of covers were canceled with the Berlin postmark, the other set with the Bonn postmark. The official FDC published by Deutsche Post was large enough to exhibit the entire canceled mini-sheet.

Mounted skeleton of Brachiosaurus in dinosaur hall of Natural History Museum in Berlin on post card of Germany 2010 [3] The dinosaur skeleton on the foreground is Brachiosaurus (Giraffatitan) brancai excavated by German paleontologist Werner Janensch between 1909 and 1911 at Tendaguru, Tanzania (German colony in the time).
This specimen in the central exhibit in dinosaur hall, stands 13.27 meters tall and is the tallest mounted dinosaur skeleton in the world, as the Guinness Book of Records confirms.
The skeleton is mostly derived from one gigantic individual Brachiosaurus. A few tail bones (caudal vertebrae) were used to fill in the skeleton from another individual of that species.
The dinosaur lived 150 million years ago and fed on plants.
The name Brachiosaurus – lizard with arms – refers to its long arms. In 2007, visitors gave it its official nickname, Oskar.
A new scientific name was given to Brachiosaurus in 2009, when differences in the shape, size and proportions of the bones led to the distinction between a North American and an African Brachiosaurus species. Thus, Brachiosaurus brancai became Giraffatitan brancai. This is now the scientifically recognized name used by researchers. [R6]

Self adhesive stamps Bicentennial of Berlin Natural History Museum of Germany 2010
Mint and self adhesive stamps Bicentennial of Berlin Natural History Museum of Germany 2010

This issue was released as both mint and self-adhesive versions. They both have a face value of the domestic postcard rate and were issued as mini-sheets with 10 stamps per sheet. The self-adhesive booklet has photos from the Natural History Museum of Berlin on the reverse side.
The self-adhesive stamp is smaller in size than the self-adhesive stamp. The same stamp was used on postal stationery, issued for the International Philatelic Trade Show in Sindelfingen that took place in October 2010.

Official stamps of private post companies of Germany related to Paleontology: reconstructions dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals, fossils of prehistoric animal and prehistoric humans

10.09.2003 "Spengler Museum" [LN1]
issued by "Suedharzer Stadt und Landkreiskurier"
01.09.2008 "Excavation site Bilzingsleben" [LN2]
issued by "Thueringen bote"
01.02.2017 "125 anniversary of Natural History Museum of Muenster (NHMM)" [LN3]
issued by NHMM and "Briefmarke und mehr"
Stepen Mammoth fossil stamp issued by Spengler Museum of Germany in 2003 Homo ergasters from excavation site Bilzingsleben on private post, Thueringen bote, stamp of Germany 2008 Triceratops and Velociraptor dinosaurs on private post, Briefmarke und mehr, stamp of Germany 2017
25.06.2019 "Bautzen landscape" (definitive stamp)
issued by Post- Modern [LN4]
21.11.2019 "Prehistoric times are alive" [LN3]
issued by "Briefmarke und mehr"
Dinosaur from Dinosaur park of Bautzen on definitive stamp of Post Modern 2019 Triceratops dinosaur on private post, Briefmarke und mehr, stamp of Germany 2019

[LN1] Two stamps of the set show the Steppe mammoth (Mammuthus trogontherii, sometimes Mammuthus armeniacus) from collection of the Spengler Museum. Skeleton of Steppe mammoth in Spengler Museum on stamp of private post company "Suedharzer Stadt und Landkreiskurier" of Germany 2003
The Steppe mammoth was the first stage in the evolution of the steppe and tundra elephants and an ancestor of the woolly mammoth of later glacial periods. It is believed that the steppe Mammoth had fur on the majority of its body (much like the woolly mammoths but slightly shorter) due to its living in regions such as Siberia.
The mammoth is the main attraction of the Spengler Museum. It was excavated between 1930 and 1933 in the gravel pit Edersleben by Gustav Adolf Spengler. It is a female specimen for which an age of 45 - 50 years is estimated. It lived before the Ice age about 500 000 years ago. [R4]

[LN2] On September 1st, 2008, la ocal post operator in Thueringen region issued a set of five stamps "Historical sites of Soemmerda region". Homo erectus bilzingslebenensis on stamp of private post of Germany 2014 Homo erectus bilzingslebenensis on stamp of private post of Germany 2014
One of the stamps is dedicated to the excavation site Bilzingsleben.
This stamp was released in two versions – the versions can be differentiated by the different logo or size of the company name in the lower right corner.
Fossils had been found at the site as far as back as the 13th century.e
In 1908 geologist Ewald Wüst (1875-1934) of the University of Halle-Wittenberg published his first work on local flint artifacts. Amateur researcher Adolf Spengler took up work at the site in 1922.
In 1969 Dietrich Mania, later professor at the University of Jena, discovered numerous fossils and artifacts during a routine investigation. Under the auspices of the Halle State Museum of Prehistory a systematic excavation was launched in 1971 that lasted until 1992 during which 1,600 m2 were documented and several human fossils were unearthed.
In 1974 a piece of a human skull was identified among the finds. To date, 37 human bones and teeth have been found, mainly parts of the skull. They represent the remains of at least three individuals and have been classified as Homo erectus bilzingslebenensis by Emanuel Vlcek (Praha). The remains of the skulls show that they had been intentionally smashed postmortem, maybe as part of a burial rite. [R5]
Sculptures of Triceratops in the front of Natural History Museum in Muenster on commemorative postmark of Germany 2011 Sculptures of Triceratops in the front of Natural History Museum in Muenster on stamp of "Brief und mehr" post company of Germany 2017
[LN3] On February 1st 2017, private German post "Briefmarke und mehr" in cooperation with Natural History Museum in Muenster, issued a set of 6 stamps to commemorate the 125th anniversary of the museum. Issued in three self adhesive sheets, ten stamp each.
Triceratops are sculptures at the front of the museum. They also appeared on a commemorative postmark of Deutsche Post in 2011.
Velociraptor is from exhibition indoor.
The Bison and Triceratops stamps with face value of 60 cent were reprinted with new value of 70cent in November 2019.

[LN4] In 2019 local post company "Post Modern" who operate in Saxony (Sachsen), a state in eastern Germany, issued new definitive stamps with face values from 5 Euro-cent to 2.5 Euro that shows some major sightseeing sites of the region. Every self-adhesive stamp issued in a booklet of 10 with bigger images on a cover and postal rate table on the reverse side. 2.5 Euro is a price for Maximum letter, with weight between 501gr and 1kg.
One of these stamps shows a reconstruction of a sauropod from the Dinosaur park at Bautzen.
Dinosaur figures from Dinosaur park at Bautzen Dinosaur figures from Dinosaur park at Bautzen Dinosaur figures from Dinosaur park at Bautzen
The park contain over 200 life-size figures of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals. Many of these animals are presented in scenes to help visitors envision how these animals lived and fought for survival in primeval times.

Some personalized stamps Personalized stamps issued by Deutsche Post: "Marke Individuell"

09.10.2010 "Plateosaurus engelhardti" [SP1]
issued by Museum Auberlehaus in Trossingen
04.05.2012 "75th anniversary of Neanderthal Museum" [SP2]
issued by Neanderthal Museum in Mettmann
2016 "160th anniversary of Neandertal discovery (1856-2016)"
issued by a private person
Plateosaurus Engelhardti fossil on personalized stamp issued by Auberlehaus museum in Trossingen, Germany 2010 Modern kid and reconstruction of Neanderthal  on personalized stamp of Neanderthal Museum of Germany 2012 Neanderthal  on personalized stamp of Germany 2016
11.09.2022 "20th anniversary of Geopark Thueringen" [SP3]
Prehistoric animals  on personalized stamp of Germany 2022

[SP1] Plateosaurus is one of the first dinosaurs uncovered in Germany (1834) and one of the first dinosaurs known to the scientific community.

The first Plateosaurus of Trossingen was discovered in 1909, when school children built a slide on a slope made of lumps of marl not far from the "Oberen Mühle". The boy Hermann Weiss tore his pants while sliding. As the children looked closely, they discovered several bones sticking out of the weathered rock.
They brought the largest bone to their teacher Gottlob Munz, who realized that the bone could not have come from a native animal and sent it to the Royal Natural History Cabinet in Stuttgart, the predecessor of today's State Museum of Natural History.
On the behalf of the museum, Prof. Eberhard Fraas dug at the site in 1911/1912 and discovered a complete "antediluvian" dinosaur, a Plateosaurus engelhardti, which was set up and exhibited in the Royal Natural History Cabinet in Stuttgart.
In 1923-1924, the University of Tübingen carried out a new excavation led by the famous German Paleontologist, Prof. Friedrich Freiherr von Huene.
In order to minimize the costs, the excavation was carried out in cooperation with the American Museum of Natural History in New York.
In 1979 the cast of first skeleton of a Trossinger Plateosaurus was installed in the museum.

The first appearance of Plateosaurus on a postal object is likely a postcard issued in 1910s.

[SP2] Skull of Homo neanderthalensis and Dr. Johann Carl Fuhlrott on postmatrk of Germany 2006 In 1856 remains of the skull and other skeletal parts of a "Urmenschenart" (prehistoric human) were found in the Neander Valley near Duesseldorf. Prof. Dr. Johann Carl Fuhlrott (1803 –1877) was the one who recognized them as the remains of a previously unknown type of human, which was then named after the site of discovery, Homo neanderthalensis, more commonly known as Neanderthal today. The comparison with other finds of similar fossils showed that the Neanderthals lived from about 130,000 years ago to about 30,000 years ago.
Deutsche post issued commemorative stamp "150 years of discovery of Neanderthal" in 2009.
There is also a personalized stamp issued by the Neanderthal Museum in Mettmann. This museum opened its doors for the first time in 1937, a few hundred meters away from the site where these fossils were first discovered.
There are also some postmarks and meter franking issued by the museum in collaboration with German post.

[SP3] On September 11, 2022 UNESCO Global Geopark Thuringia Inselsberg – Drei Gleichen, in cooperation with Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bergbau und Geowissenschaften e. V., (Mining and Geosciences Working Group), issued the Mini-Sheet of 10 personalized stamps ("Briefmarken individuell" of Deutsche Post). These stamps were issued in th occasion of 20th anniversary of the Geopark. Every stamp have unique design related to the Geopark. Although the UNESCO Global Geopark Thuringia Inselsberg – Drei Gleichen is one of the smaller German geoparks with an area of about 700 km2, it is a place where big things happened in the past: here you can explore Pangaea, the supercontinent which existed for around 100 million years. You can also get to know some of the inhabitants of this continent, the tetrapods, on the Sauria Discovery Trail for example.

Some Personalized stamps issued by local post companies in Germany: dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals.

2011 "Archaeopteryx"
issued by Biberpost
2014 "Dinosaur park (Saurier) at Bautzen" [LN4] [LNP1]
issued by Biberpost
2018 "Dinosaur park (Saurier) at Bautzen" [LNP2]
issued by Lunebote
Archaeopteryx of personalized stamps of Biberpost 2011 Dinosaurs of personalized stamps of Biberpost 2014 Mammoth and prehistoric humans of personalized stamps of Luenebote 2018
2020 "Treasures of German Paleontologic Museums (I): Munich" [LNP3]
issued by Brief und mehr
2020 "Treasures of German Paleontologic Museums (II): Stuttgart" [LNP3]
issued by Brief und mehr
Dinosaurs of personalized stamps of Brief und mehr private post company in Germany from 2020 Dinosaurs of personalized stamps of Brief und mehr private post company in Germany from 2020

[LNP1] This set of personalized stamps shows various life-size replicas of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals from Dinosaur park (Saurier) at Bautzen.
The only official stamp related to this park issued by private post company from Saxony region of Germany "Post Modern" in 2019.

[LNP2] The stamp with face value of domestic postcard, shows Mammoth hunting sculpture group from Irrgarten in Dinosaur park (Saurier) Kleinwelks in Bautzen city in Saxony region of Germany. As far as I know, only 30 stamps have been issued by philatelist from the region who had visited the park.
Mammoth hunting sculpture group from Dinosaur park (Saurier) at Bautzen

[LNP3] Self-adhesive personalized stamps "Treasures of German Paleontologic Museums (I)" issued by private Post Company "Brief und mehr" from Muenster in Germany. Both stamps have a rate of small domestic letter with weight up to 20gr.
One stamp of the set shows some fossils from Paleontologic Museum of Munich.
Fossilized skeleton of Gomphotherium (prehistoric elephant) is on the front of the stamp. The two skeletons on the right are from the dinosaur Plateosaurus and the reptile Prestosuchus chiniquensis.
reconstruction of Lilienternus and Plateosaurus dinosaurs from exhibit of Natiral History Museum in Stuttgart

Another stamp shows a reconstruction of the dinosaurs Lilienternus and Plateosaurus from an exhibit at the Natural History Museum of Stuttgart.
reconstruction of Lilienternus and Plateosaurus dinosaurs from exhibit of Natiral History Museum in Stuttgart

Other stamps of Germany (Deutsche Post) to consider: contributors to Paleontology

02.11.1953 "Helper of mankind" [A1] 10.08.1989 "100th anniversary of Mining and Power Industries" [A2] 08.02.2007 "300th anniversary of Johann Christian Senckenberg" [A1]
Johann Christian Senckenberg among other famous persons on stamps of Germany 1953 Fossil of Dinosaur on sef adhesive stamp of Germany 2010 Johann Christian Senckenberg on stamp of Germany 2007
07.04.2016 "the Moselle" [A3]
The Moselle, fossil loaction, on stamp of Germany 2016

[A1] Christian Senckenberg: naturalist, fossil collector
Johan Christian Senckenberg Johan Christian Senckenberg Johan Christian Senckenberg (1707 - 1772), was a German physician, naturalist and collector. In 1763 he established the Senckenberg Foundation to support natural sciences.
The "Senckenberg Natural History Society supports the Senckenberg Museum. This museum is full of dinosaurs and is a cultural highlight of the Region. The Museum supports international research. The representations of the four selected dinosaurs on the Germany 2008 "for the young " block, reflect the current state of knowledge about these dinosaurs.
The Senckenberg-Museum exhibits the most extensive collection of dinosaurs throughout Germany. At least two members of the five main dinosaur groups are on display. An area of about 6.000 sqm invites you to marvel at some thousands of exhibits, some of them unique in the world, displayed in fascinating exhibits. Discover the universe and dive into prehistoric epochs - from the "big bang" up to the origin of our planet at the Museum.

[A2] Stylized Ammonite depicted on the stamp.

[A3] The Moselle is a river flowing through France, Luxembourg, and Germany. It is a left-bank tributary of the Rhine, which it joins at Koblenz.
A small part of Belgium is also drained by the Moselle through the Sauer and the Our. The Moselle "twists and turns its way between Trier and Koblenz along one of Germany's most beautiful river valleys."
It flows through a region that has been influenced by mankind since it was first cultivated by the Romans. Today, its hillsides are covered by terraced vineyards where "some of the best Rieslings grow", and numerous ruined castles dominate the hilltops above wine villages and towns that line the riverbanks.
Traben-Trarbach with its art nouveau architecture and Bernkastel-Kues with its traditional market square are two of the many popular tourist attractions on the Moselle river.
The present source region of the Moselle, were formed about 50 million years ago. In the Miocene and Pliocene epochs the ancient Moselle (Urmosel) was already a tributary of the ancient Rhine (Ur-Rhein). When, in the Quaternary period, the Rhenish Massif slowly rose, the meanders of the Moselle were formed between the Trier Valley and the Neuwied Basin. Many small marine fossils are found in the region. [R12]

There are no stamps with a direct connection to paleontology or paleoanthropology issued by West Berlin. Nor are there any stamps showing fossils or prehistoric animals. There are though some stamps that should be considered.

Some official stamps of West Berlin (1948-1990) to consider: Continents Drift, sculpture of Dinosaur

16.08.1977 "25 years of Zoo's aquarium in Berlin" [BA2] 14.02.1980 "100th anniversary of Alfred Wegener" [BA1]
Iguanodon sculpture stamp of West Berlin 1977 Continents drift on stamp of West Berlin 1980 MICHEL Dinos - whole world catalog - contain technical details and prices of stamps with dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals
[BA1] Alfred Lothar Wegener (1880 -1930) was a German scientist, geophysicist, and meteorologist. He is most notable for his theory of continental drift, proposed in 1912, which hypothesized that the continents were slowly drifting around the Earth. However, his hypothesis was not accepted until the 1950s, when numerous discoveries such as paleomagnetism confirmed his hypothesis of continental drift.
He used the similarity of fossil flora and fauna of the southern continents as a line of evidence for his supercontinent Pangaea.
Sculpture of Iguanodon in front on the aquarium in West Berlin
[BA2] The Aquarium Berlin is one of Germany's largest aquariums, was built in 1913 as part of the Berlin Zoological Garden complex.
The inside and outside decorations were created by German artist Heinrich Harder, famous for his reconstruction of prehistoric animals. He decorated the interior rooms of the aquarium with majolica and mosaics with prehistoric and extinct animals. A life size sculpture of Iguanodon was placed in front of the entrance to the aquarium from the side of the zoological garden - originally planned and designed as a main entrance.
Since its opening the Zoo-Aquarium has been ranked among the public aquariums with the world’s greatest biodiversity. [R7]

Other stamps of local post companies to consider: contributors to Paleontology, prehistoric animals as art objects

03.04.2003 "Famous persons: Georgii Agricolae" [PP2]
issued by "Post Modern"
26.07.2017 "40.000 years of Ice age art - mammoth ivory of the Lonet Valley" [PP1]
issued by "Suedwest Mail"
01.08.2017"40 000 years Ice age art, UNESCO heritage" [PP1]
issued by "Suedwest Mail"
Georgius Agricola also called Georgii Agricolae on stamp of private German post company Post Modern 2013 Mammoth figure from mammoth ivory on stamp of private German post company Suedwest Mail 2017 Mammoth figure from mammoth ivory on stamp of private German post company Suedwest Mail 2017

[PP1] Self-adhesive stamp of "Suedwest Mail" private postal company of Germany. The stamp issued on self adhesive sheet of 10 and shows a Mammoth figure carved from mammoth ivory of the Lonet Valley - 40,000 years of ice age It is only four centimeters in size and still a scientific and art-historical sensation - the ivory mammoth from the Vogelherdhöhle near Niederstotzingen in the Lonetal. Georgius Agricola also called Georgii Agricolae on stamp of private German post company Post Modern 2013
On August 1st, Suedwest Mail issued a folder with 4 stamps "40 000 years Ice age art, UNESCO heritage". This folder contains a mammoth figure stamp issued at the end of July and three new stamps: the Venus of the Hohle Fels cave, the horse of Vogelherd cave, the water bird of Hohle Fels cave. The lion man of the Hohlestein-Stadel cave is shown on the front page of the folder. All figurines are carved from of mammoth ivory.

[PP2] One of the stamps depicting Georgii Agricolae also called Georgius Agricola is considered the founder of geology as a discipline. His work paved the way for further systematic study of the Earth and of its rocks, minerals, and fossils.

Post stationery of Germany related to Paleontology and Paleoanthropology

Post stationery split in two categories:
  • Post stationery (prepaid postcards and covers) with imprinted stamps related to Paleontology and Paleoanthropology: fossils, dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals.
  • Post stationery (prepaid postcards and covers) with cachet illustrations related to Paleontology and Paleoanthropology: fossils, dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals, Charles Darwin.

Post stationery (prepaid postcards and covers) of Deutsche Post AG with imprinted stamps related to Paleontology and Paleoanthropology: fossils, dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals

27.10.2000 "International Stamp trade show in Sindelfingen" [PS1] 04.09.2008 "International Stamp trade show in Sindelfingen" [PS2] 29.10.2010 "International Stamp trade show in Sindelfingen" [PS3]
Prehistoric animals on postal stationery of Germany 2000 Dinosaurs on postal stationery of Germany 2008 Dinosaur fossil on postal stationery of Germany 2010
2018 "150th anniversary of discovery of Dechen cave [PS3]
Dinosaur fossil on postal stationery of Germany 2018 MICHEL Dinos - whole world catalog - contain technical details and prices of stamps with dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals

Post stationery (prepaid postcards and covers) of Reichspost, Deutsche Bundespost and Deutsche Post AG with cachet illustrations related to Paleontology and Paleoanthropology: fossils, dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals, Charles Darwin

1937 "Petrified forest of Chemnitz" [PS4] 1973 "Natural History Museum in Coburg" 1980 "Natural History Museum in Coburg"
Petrified forest of Chemnitz on postal stationery of Reichspost 1930s Fish fossil of postal stationery of Germany 1973 Reconstruction of prehistoric life on postal stationery of Germany 1980
1980 "Natural History Museum in Coburg" 1980 "Jura museum im Eichstaett"
Ammonite on postal stationery of Germany 1980 Trilobite on postal stationery of Germany 1980 Fish fossil on postal stationery of Germany 1980
1990 "Ramapithecus" 2007 "Draw Dinosaur stamp competition" [PS5] 2009 "200th anniversary of Charles Darwin"
Triceratops on  postal stationery of Germany 2007 Charles Darwin on postal stationery of Germany 2009
02.11.2017 "200th anniversary of The Senckenberg Natural Research Society" [PS6]
Triceratops skull and skeleton of Lucy, Australopithecus afarensis  on postal stationery of Germany 2017

Some personalized postal stationery (prepaid postcards and covers) of Deutsche Post AG with imprinted stamps related to Paleontology and Paleoanthropology: fossils, prehistoric animals and prehistoric humans.

"Neanderthals migration" 2015 "20th anniversary of Natural history and Mammoth museum in Siegsdorf" [PS7]
Neanderthal on postal stationery of Germany Mammuthus primigenius from Siegsdorf on postal stationery of Germany 2015 MICHEL Dinos - whole world catalog - contain technical details and prices of stamps with dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals

Other postal stationery of Deutsche Post to consider: prehistoric animals as prehistoric art objects

2008 "Stamp show in Heidenheim an der Brenz" [PS8]
Mammoth from Ivory on postal stationery and post mark of Germany 2008

[PS1] The imprinted stamp is of the same design as stamp from 1998 and shows fossil of prehistoric crocodile (Diplocynodon) from Messel Pit.

[PS2] The imprinted stamp is one of four dinosaur stamps issued in Mini-Sheet earlier this year.

[PS3] The imprinted stamp is of the same design as stamp from 2010 and shows fossil of Brachiosaurus brancai excavated at Tendaguru, Tanzania.

[PS4] Trunks of petrified trees shown on cachet illustration of the pre-paid postcard. In 2003 Deutsche Post issued commemorative stamp with similar design.

[PS5] Pre-paid cover issued by German Youth Philatelist (Deutsche Philatelisten-Jugend) organization for Draw Dinosaur stamp (Mal eine Dino-Briefmarke) competition, that took place in 2007 and 2008 prior to issue of German dinosaur stamps in 2008. The Triceratops from Naturmuseum Senckenberg in Frankfurt am Main appeared on one the of the stamps and imprinted stamp of another postal stationery in 2008.

[PS6] The Senckenberg Nature Research Society is a German scholarly society with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main. The society was founded by Frankfurt citizens on 22 November 1817 on the initiative of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (one of the most famous German writer), and is named for the physician, naturalist, botanist and philanthropist Johann Christian Senckenberg (1707–1772). The Senckenberg Nature Research Society owns several research institutes and museums, such as the Naturmuseum Senckenberg in Frankfurt am Main with an extensive collection of Dinosaurs. [R8]
The Museum building, the skull of Triceratops and reconstruction of 'Lucy' (Australopithecus afarensis) are shown on left side of the cover.
The imprinted stamp is a reproduction of a mint stamp from 2007. commemorative cover of Paleontology Museum of Munich with mammoth on postmark and cachet

[PS7] Mammuthus primigenius from Siegsdorf is depicted on the imprinted stamp.
Reconstruction of the mammoth, that stands in front of the museum, shown on the cachet photo of the postcard.
The mammoth was a main fossil at the Fossil and Mineral trade show in Munich, was a subject for commemorative postmark of Deutsche Post and commemorative cover and postcard of Paleontology Museum of Munich.

[PS8] Mammoth carved from ivory bone. 32.000 years old, uncovered at Vogelherdhoehle in Lonet valley.
The same figure appeared on mint and self-adhesive stamp of local post company "Suedwest Mail" in 2017.

Commemorative, illustrated but not prepaid, covers of Germany related to Paleontology and Paleoanthropology

  • Commemorative covers produced by Paleontological Museums
  • Commemorative covers and postcards issued for philatelic, fossils trade shows and meetings of philatelic clubs
  • Commemorative covers and postcards issued by commercial companies

Commemorative covers produced by Paleontological Museums and other Paleontological organizations

Paleontological Museum of Munich [R11] - issued for Fossil and Mineral trade show in Munich
Skull of Deinotherium bavaricum on commemorative cover of Friends of the Bavarian State Collection for Paleontology and Geology Munich society 1991 Skeleton of Compsognatus dinosaur on commemorative cover of Paleontological Museum of Munich 1993 Fossil and reconstruction of Archaeopteryx on commemorative cover of Paleontological Museum of Munich 1995
Hornless rhinoceros Plesaiceratherium fahlbuschi on commemorative cover of Paleontological Museum of Munich 1996 Lobe-finned fish Lybis superbus on commemorative cover of Paleontological Museum of Munich 1998 Jurassic ammonite Parkinsonia parkinsoni on commemorative cover of Paleontological Museum of Munich 1999
Caenomeryx filholi on commemorative cover of Paleontological Museum of Munich 2001 Trilobite ceraurus pleurexanthemus on commemorative cover of Paleontological Museum of Munich 2003 Reconstruction and footprints of Rhynchosauroides on commemorative cover of Paleontological Museum of Munich 2004
Ammonite trachyceras on commemorative cover of Paleontological Museum of Munich 2005 Rhino Prosantorhinus germanicus on commemorative cover of Paleontological Museum of Munich 2006 Fossi of Archaeopteryx on commemorative postcard of Paleontological Museum of Munich 2008
Skull of pterosaur Tropeognatus mesembrinus on commemorative postcard of Paleontological Museum of Munich 2010 Skull of pterosaur Tropeognatus mesembrinus on commemorative cover of Paleontological Museum of Munich 2010 commemorative postcard of Paleontological Museum of Munich 2012
commemorative cover of Paleontological Museum of Munich 2012 Skeleton of Tyrannosaurus rex on commemorative postcard of Paleontological Museum of Munich 2014

Other German Paleontological Museums

1991 "200th anniversary cover of Natural History Museum of Stuttgart" 1998 "30th anniversary of Fossil Museum Berger" 2010 "Museum Auberlehaus in Trossingen "
Dinosaur fossil on 200 anniversary cover of Natural History Museum of Stuttgart 1991 Prehistoric fish on commemorative postcard of fossil Museum Berger 1998 Ammonite on cover of Museum Auberlehaus in Trossingen 2010
2006, 2007 "Homo heidelbergensis Museum in Mauer"
Homo heidelbergensis on cover of Museum in Mauer Homo heidelbergensis on cover of Museum in Mauer

Some commemorative covers and postcards issued for philatelic and fossils trade shows and meetings of philatelic clubs related to Paleontology and Paleoanthropology: fossils, prehistoric animals

07.10.1978 5th International mineral trade show in Dreieich 22.10.1978 International Mineral and Fossil trade show in Koblenz 24.10.1980 30th anniversary of philatelic club in Hausham
Prehistoric turtle Allaeochelys crassesculpta from Messel Pit on cachet of International mineral trade show in Dreieich cover, Germany 1978 Sea lilie on cachet and Ammonite on postmark of commemorative cover issied for International Mineral and Fossil trade show in Koblenz, Germany 1978 Gastropod from coal mine of Hausham on cachet of commemoraive cover of philatelic club in Hausham, Germany 1980
07.03.1982 Mineral and Fossil trade show in Fulda 27.03.1982 Mineral trade show in Schweinfurt 20.05.1982 Annual meeting of "Mining, Geology and Energy" philatelic club in Bergheim
Skeleton of Cave Bear from the Bears hoele (Bear Cave), near Erpfingen on commemorative cover issied for Mineral and Fossil trade show in Fulda, Germany 1982 Ammonite on cachet and postmark of Mineral trade show in Schweinfurt, Germany 1982 Trilobites on cachet and postmark of commemorative cover of philatelic club - Mining, Geology and Energy- Germany 1982
22.05.1982 Mineral trade show in Bergheim 14.01.1983 Hewerbia'83 - annual meeting of Mineralogy-Paleontology-Speleology philatelic group in Herten
Postmarks of different colors (postcard and letter).
Trilobite Cornuproetus cornutus on cachet and postmak of commemorative cover of  Mineral trade show in Bergheim Fossil of prehistoric plant  on cachet and postmak of commemorative cover of Mineralogy-Paleontology-Speleology philatelic group, Germany 1983 Fossil of prehistoric plant  on cachet and postmak of commemorative cover of Mineralogy-Paleontology-Speleology philatelic group, Germany 1983
15.10.1983 Union of Mineralogy and Geology friends at Fossil and Mineral trade show in Freiburg 01.04.1984 Mineral trade show in Fulda 23.04.1988 15th anniversary of Mineralogy-Paleontology-Speleology study unit
Ammonite on cachet and postmak of commemorative cover of Union of Mineralogy and Geology friends, Germany 1983 Cicada Auchenorrhyncha in Amber on cachet and postmak of commemorative cover of Mineral trade show, Germany 1984 Reconstruction and cave painting of prehistoric animals on commemorative cover of topical group of Mineralogy-Paleontology-Speleology
22.10.1988 25th anniversary of philatelic gild in Trossingen 30.09.1990 Bottrop'90 60th anniversary of philatelic club of Bottrop 15.05.1992 Stamps show in Neu-Isenburg
Prehistoric turtle Proganochelys quenstedti  on cachet and postmak of commemorative cover of  philatelic gild in Trossingen, Germany 1989 Mammoth skull on commemorative cover of philatelic club of Bottrop, Germany 1990 Fossil skull of Triceratops on cachet and reconstruction of Tyrannosaurus rex on postmark of commemorative cover of stamp show in Neu-Isenburg
15.05.1992 Stamps show in Neu-Isenburg 15.04.1994 Entomology Study Group 25.05.1994 Stamps show in Neu-Isenburg - 45 years of philatelic club of Neu-Isenburg
Fossil and reconstruction of Tyrannosaurus rex on cachet ans postmark of commemorative cover of stamp show in Neu-Isenburg Palaeodictyoptera Stilbocrocis heeri on cachet of commemorative cover of Entomology Study Group, Germany 1994 Predator dinosaurs Deinonychus attack herbivorous dinosaur Parasaurolophus on cachet of commemorative cover of philatelic club of Neu-Isenburg, Germany 1994
27.03.1994 The advertising stamps show and the 4th Main Valley exchange day of philatelic club of Burgkunstadt in the Albert Erwin Museum in Burgkunstadt 11.10.1996 Annual meeting of Mineralogy-Paleontology-Speleology study unit in Worms 12.09.1998 25th anniversary and annual meeting of Mineralogy-Paleontology-Speleology study unit in Gerolstein
Trilobite on cachet and postmark of commemorative cover of philatelic club of Burgkunstadt, Germany 1994 Trilobite Phacops milleri on cachet and postmark of commemorative cover of Mineralogy-Paleontology-Speleology study unit, Germany 1996 Fossil of invertebrate Dohmophyllum and Hexagonaria on cachet and postmark of commemorative cover of Mineralogy-Paleontology-Speleology study unit, Germany 1998
1998-2000 (?) Mineralogy-Paleontology-Speleology study unit 22.09.2000 Annual meeting of Mineralogy-Paleontology-Speleology study unit in Sassnitz-Ruegen 25.06.2006 Special exhibition representation of fossils and minerals in philately in Natural History Museum in Ottoneum Kassel
Ammonite on a cover of Mineralogy-Paleontology-Speleology study unit Fossils of prehistoric Sea urchin Phymosoma and Galerites on cachet and postmark of commemorative cover of Mineralogy-Paleontology-Speleology study unit, Germany 2000 Reconstruction and footprints of Chirotherium on cachet and postmark of commemorative cover of Mineralogy-Paleontology-Speleology study unit, Germany 2006
04.09.2008 The Day of Youth philatelic friends - 2008 FDC 03.09.2010 International stamps show in Luzern, Switzerland 02.06.2011 Annual meeting of the Earth Sciences study unit in Chemnitz
Dinosaurs on cover of the Youth friends of philately, Germany 2008 Fossil found place on cachet of commemorative cover of International stamps show in Luzern, Switzerland Trunk of prehistoric tree Calamite on the cachet of commemorative cover of the Earth Sciences study unit, Germany 2011
06.05.2016 50th anniversary of "Mining, Geology and Energy" philatelic club
The Straight-tusked elephant, Palaeoloxodon antiquus on the cachet and postmark of commemorative cover, Germany 2016

Some commemorative covers and postcards issued by commercial companies with illustrations of fossils and prehistoric animals

Stamp dealer Hermann E. Sieger Winery brothers Mathis
Dinosaurs on commmeercial cover of Hermann E. Sieger Dinosaurs and pterosaur on commmeercial cover of Hermann E. Sieger Ammonites on commmeercial cover of Winery brothers Mathis

Commemorative postmarks and meter franking of Germany related to Paleontology: dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals, fossils, prehistoric humans, paleontologists.

Legend is here
Due to large amount of such postmarks and meter franking they are listed in several groups:

  • Postmarks and meter franking issued by Paleontologic organizations, local communities where some fossils are found, official post companies for its FDC.
  • Postmarks and meter franking issued by Philatelic clubs and societies for their annual events and shows with fossils and prehistoric animals.
  • Postmarks and meter franking issued by Mineral and Fossil shows

Postmarks and meter franking issued by Paleontologic and Paleoanthropologic organizations, local communities where some fossils are found, official post companies for its FDC or for Paleontology or Paleoanthropology related events.

29.05.1951 "Bears and Karls caves" [Sp] [C1] 16.03.1959 "Bears and Karls caves" [Sp] [C1] 28.02.1964 "Bears and Karls caves" [Sp] [C1]
Cave Bear Ursus spelaeus on commemorative post mark of Germany 1951 Cave Bear Ursus spelaeus on commemorative post mark of Germany 1959 Cave Bear Ursus spelaeus on commemorative post mark of Germany 1959
1967-1987 [DU] "150 years of Senckenberg Natural History Museum and Investigation Institute" [PM] 1967 "The biggest Ammonite in the world" [PM] [C2] 1970 "Neandertal Museum"
Triceratops on meter franking of Senckenberg Natural History Museum and its research institute in Gemany Ammonite on commemorative post mark of Seppenrade 1967 Ammonite on commemorative post mark of Seppenrade 1967
1971 "7th International Congress on Stratigraphy and Geology of Carbon" [Sp] 1971 "7th International Congress on Stratigraphy and Geology of Carbon" [Sp] 15.07.1972 "Seppenrade - Appointment to Rosen village" [Sp]
Prehistoric plants from Carbon period on post mark of Germany 1971 Prehistoric plants from Carbon period on post mark of Germany 1971 Ammonite on post mark of Germany 1972
22.04.1973 "Coburg primitive dinosaur, visit Natural History Museum of Coburg" [PM] 1975 -1987 [DU] "Geological State Office North Rhine-Westphalia" [PM]
Zip code changed over the years
1976 -1995 [DU] "Bears and Karls caves" [PM] [C1]
Zip code changed over the years
Prehistoric animal on postmark of Germany 1973 Trilobites on meter franking of Germany 1973-1987 Cave bear Ursus spelaeus on post mark of Germany 1976-1995
17.09.1977 "Opening of Geology and Paleontology Museum of Aalen" [Sp] 1978-1987 [DU] "Mauer community found place of worlds wide famous Homo heidelbergensis" [PM]
Zip code changed over the years
1978 [DU] "Country office Eichstaett - visit beautifull region of Eichstaett" [PM]
Ammonite on post mark of Germany 1977 Jaw of Homo heidelbergensis on meter franking of Mauer community of Germany Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1978
1978 [DU] "Cremlingen Community" [PM] 13.07.1978 "Fossils" [FDC] 1978-1994 [DU] "Messel Fossil site" [PM]
Zip code changed over the years
Ammonite on meter franking of Cremlingen Community of Germany 1978 Prehistoric horse Propalaeotherium skeleton on postmark of Germany 1978 Prehistoric horse Propalaeotherium skeleton on postmark of Messel community in Germany
1979-1985 [DU] "Solnhofen Fossils from Jurassic period" [PM]
Different PLZ
Zip code changed over the years
1980-1983 [DU] "Fossils from around the world - Fossil and Gallery Gehlen" [PM]
Text position changed over the time
24.05-29.05.1980 "Reopening Natural History Museum of Dortmund on May 24 1980" [Sp]
Archaeopteryx on postmark of Germany 1979-1985 Prehistoric fish aspidorhynchus acutirostris on commemorative postmark of Germany 1980-1983 Prehistoric horse Propalaeotherium skeleton on postmark of Germany 1980
21.10.1982 "75th anniversary of Homo heidelbergensis" [Sp] 1983 [DU] "Geological State Office North Rhine-Westphalia" [PM] 24.07.1983 "50 years since discovery Homo Steinheimensis" [Sp]
Jaw of Homo heidelbergensis on postmark of Mauer community of Germany Prehistoric plants on meter franing of Germany 1983 Homo steinheimensis on post mark of Germany 1983
1984 - 1998 [DU] "Messel community - wider world famous fossil site" [PM]
Zip code changed over the years
Text position changed over the time
1984 [DU] "Where the Alb(Alpine transhumance) is the most beautiful" [PM] 1984 [DU] "10 years of partnership between Trossingen und Cluses(France)" [Sp]
Propalaeotherium skeleton on meter franking of Messel community in Germany Cave bear on meter franking of Germany 1984 Ammonite on postmark of Germany 1984
1985 [DU] "Geological State Office North Rhine-Westphalia" [PM] 1984 - 1995 [DU] "Prehistory museum of Bad Windsheim (Nothosaurus)" [PM] 07.04.1987 "Beilngries - resort city in Altmuehltal" [Sp]
Prehistoric shell on meter franking of Germany 1985 Tanystropheus on meter franking of Germany 1987 Ammonite on postmark of Gemany 1987
04.06.1987 "75th anniversary of Natural History Museum of Dortmund" [Sp] 1988 [DU] "Gerolstein region: prehistory, nature, experience" [PM] 1988 [DU] "Tourist information of Gerolstein" [PM]
Triceratops on postmark of Gemany 1987 Ammonite on postmark of Germany 1988 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1988
1988 [DU] "Geological State Office North Rhine-Westphalia" [PM] 08.09.1989 "100th anniversary of Mining and Power Industries" [A2] 1989 [DU] "State Museum of Natural History - Museum on Lowentor, Museum castle Rosensteinin Stuttgart" [PM]
Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1988 Triceratops on postmark of Gemany 1987 Dinosaur on meter franking of Natural History Museum in Germany 1995
1989 [DU] "Come and enjoy Beilngries, Natural park Altmuehltal" [PM] 1990-1992 [DU] "Senckenberg. Be a member of Natural History Museum and its research institute." 1989-2000 [DU] "Information center of Natural park of Altmuehltal" [PM]
Zip code changed over the years
Address of the Info center added to meter franking of Deutsche Post
Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1989 Triceratops on meter franking of Senckenberg Natural History Museum and its research institute in Gemany Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1989-2000
31.05.1991 "200th anniversary of Natural History Museum of Stuttgart" [Sp] 1992-2001 [DU] "Dollnstein in the middle of Natural park of Altmuehltal" [PM]
Zip code changed over the years
1992-1998 [DU] "Geological State Office North Rhine-Westphalia.
Climate witnesses of the history of the earth:
Mammoth from Ice age" [PM]
Dinosaur on commemorative postmark of Germany 1991 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1992-2001 Mammoth on meter frankming of Germany 1992-1998
1992 [DU] "100th anniversary of Natural History Museum of North Rhine-Westphalia in Muenster" [PM] 1992 [DU] "Geological State Office North Rhine-Westphalia.
Climate witnesses of the history of the earth: Fan palm from Tertiary period" [PM]
04.06.1992 "100th anniversary of Natural History Museum of North Rhine-Westphalia in Muenster" [Sp]
Triceratops on meter franking of Germany 1992 Fan palm from Tertiary period on meter franking of Germany 1992 Triceratops on postmark of Germany 1992
1993-1997 [DU] "Pterodactylus from mayor Mueller museum in Solnhofen" [PM]
Post company name changed over the time
1993-2004 [DU] "Dollnstein city in Natural park of Altmuehltal" [PM] [N]
Color, currency and post company name changed over the time
06.11.1993 "20 years of Paleontological museum in Nierstein: Misthodotes stapfi " [Sp]
Fossil of Pterodactylus on meter franking of mayor Mueller museum in Solnhofen in Germany Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1993-2004 Fossil of Misthodotes stapfi from collection of Paleontological museum in Nierstein on commemorative postmark from Germany 1993
30.09.1993 "Baumann and Hermann caves" [Sp] [C1] 1992-1994 [DU] "Senckenberg. Be a member of Natural History Museum and its research institute." [PM] [N] 1995 [DU] "Museum of Archeology and history of Harmburg" [PM]
Cave bear Ursus spelaeus from Baumann and Hermann caves on postmark of Germany 1993 Triceratops on meter franking of Senckenberg Natural History Museum and its research institute in Gemany Mammoth on meter franking of Museum of Archeology and history of Harmburg in Germany
1995-1999 [DU] "Prehistoric found in Holzmaden" [PM] 1995-2001 [DU] "State Museum of Natural History - Museum on Lowentor, Museum castle Rosenstein in Stuttgart" [PM]
Currency and name of post company changed.
21.07.1996 "City festival in Riedenburg"
Prehistoric crocodile Steneosaurus bollensis on meter Prehistoric crocodyl Steneosaurus bollensis on meter franking of Holzmaden in Germany of Holzmaden in Germany Dinosaur on meter franking of Natural History Museum in Germany 1995 Ammnite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1996
1997 [DU] "Geological State Office North Rhine-Westphalia.
Climate witnesses of the history of the earth:
Giant dragonfly from Carboniferous period" [PM]
1998 [DU] "1100 years of Treuchtlingen" [PM] 10.10.1998 "25 years of Paleontological museum in Nierstein: Chlamys stapfi" [Sp]
Giant dragonfly from Carboniferous period on meter franking of Germany 1997 Ammonite on meter franking of Treuchtlingen in Germany 1998 Prehistoric shell Chlamys stapfion from Paleontological museum in Nierstein on commemorative postmark of Germany 1998
27.06.1998 "30 years of Museum Berger: Museum festival" [Sp] 1998 - 2005 [DU] "Messel community - world-world famous fossil site" [PM] 1999 [DU] "Beilngries - resort city in Nature par Altmuehltal" [PM]
Prehistoric fish aspidorhynchus acutirostris on commemorative postmark of Germany 1998 Propalaeotherium skeleton on meter franking of Messel community in Germany Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1999
11.08.2001 "Opening of Dinotherium museum in Eppelsheim" [Sp]
2001 "Creding city in Nature park Altmuehltal " [PM] 2002 [DU] "Society for Natural History in Württemberg"
Dinotherium skull on postmark of Germany 2001 Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 2001 Ammonite on postmark of Germany 2002
2002 [DU] "Ice Age - human, mammoth and forces of nature exhibition in Historical Museum of the Palatinate Speyer" [PM] 2002-2012 [DU] Pottenstein [PM]
Mammoth on Ice age postmark of Germany 2002 Mammoth on Ice age meter franking of Germany 2002 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 2002-2012
14.09.2002 "25th anniversary of Prehistory museum in Old Town hall of Aalen" [Sp] 07.08.2003 "Petrified forest Chemnitz" [FDC]
Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 2002 Petrified plants on commemorative postmark of Germany 2003 Petrified forest of Chemnitz on commemorative postmark of Germany 2003
2004-2005 [DU] "Geological State Office North Rhine-Westphalia.
Climate witnesses of the history of the earth:
Mammoth from Ice age" [PM]
2003 [DU] "Nature History park of Altmuehltal" [PM].
MICHEL Dinos - whole world catalog - contain technical details and prices of stamps with dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals Cave bear on meter franking of Germany 2004, 2005 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 2003
2004 [DU] "Nature History park of Altmuehltal" [PM] 2004 [DU] "Management Community of Eichstaett city" [PM]
2005-2006 [DU] "State Museum of Natural History - Museum on Lowentor, Museum castle Rosensteinin Stuttgart" [PM] [N]
Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 2004 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 2004 Iguanodon dinosaur on meter franking of Natural History Museum in Germany 2005
2005 [DU] "State Museum of Natural History - Museum on Lowentor, Museum castle Rosensteinin Stuttgart" [PM] 2005 -2006 [DU] "Messel community - wider world famous fossil site. 10 years since UNESCO Heritage site recognition" [PM] 2006 [DU] "Mauer community found place of worlds wide famous Homo heidelbergensis" [PM]
Triceratops dinosaur on meter franking of Naturl History Museum in Stuttgart Fossil of prehistoric horse from Messel Pit, Propalaeotherium hassiacum Jaw of Homo heidelbergensis on meter franking of Mauer community of Germany 2006
10.08.2006 "Archeology in Germany: 150th anniversary of discovery of Neandertaler" [FDC]
Neandertaler on postmark of Germany 2006 Neandertaler on postmark of Germany 2006 Flint tools of Neandertaler on postmark of Germany 2006
10.08.2006 "Archeology in Germany: 150 years of discovery of Neandertaler" [FDC]
Neandertaler skull and Dr. J. C. Fuhlrott on postmark of Germany 2006 Neandertaler on postmark of Germany 2006 Neandertaler and Neandertaler Museum on postmark of Germany 2006
27.10.2006 "100 years since T-rex reconstruction. Dino-day experience park" [Sp] 2006 "Root of humankind" [PM] 21.10.2007 "100 years since discovery of Homo heidelbergensis" [Sp]
T-rex on postmark of Germany 2006 Neandertaler skull on postmark of Germany 2006 Homo heidelbergensis on commemorative postmark of Germany 2007
04.09.2008 "Dinosaurs" [FDC] [2]
Triceratops on commemorative postmark of Germany 2008 Dinosaurus on commemorative postmark of Germany 2008 Dinosaurus on commemorative postmark of Germany 2008
04.09.2008 "Dinosaurs, Diplodocus. Nature history museum of Humbolt University in Berlin" [Sp] [2] 04.09.2008 "Dinosaurs, Tyrannosaurus. Herold-Center in Norderstedt" [Sp] [2] 04.09.2008 "Dinosaurs, Plateosaurus. Sparkasse Herfoldt" [Sp] [2]
Diplodocus on commemorative postmark of Germany 2008 Tyrannosaurus on commemorative postmark of Germany 2008 Plateosaurus on commemorative postmark of Germany 2008
07.09.2008 "Europasaurus. Dino-Day at Dinosaur park of Muenchehagen" [Sp] 13.09.2008 "Triceratops. Tiefstollenhalle at Peissenberg" [Sp] 20.09.2008 "Tyrannosaurus. Dinosaur valley at Tolk-exhibition" [Sp]
Europasaurus on commemorative postmark of Germany 2008 Triceratops on commemorative postmark of Germany 2008 Tyrannosaurus on commemorative postmark of Germany 2008
2008 [DU] "State Museum of Natural History - Museum on Lowentor, Museum castle Rosensteinin Stuttgart" [PM] [N] 2005-2009 [DU] "Cremlingen Community" [PM] [N] 12.04.2009 "Opening of Pterosaur exhibition in Dinosaur park of Muenchehagen - Pteranodon" [Sp]
Iguanodon dinosaur on meter franking of Natural History Museum in Germany 2008 Ammonite on meter franking of Cremlingen Community of Germany 2009 Pteranodon on commemorative postmark of Germany 2009
18.09.2009 "Silesaurus, the oldest dinosaurs" [Sp] 10.10, 21.10.2009 "State Natural history Museum of Braunschweig, exhibit Dinosaur Project" [Sp]
Silesaurus dinosaur on commemorative postmark of Germany 2009 Sauropod dinosaur on commemorative postmark of Germany 2009 Sauropod dinosaur on commemorative postmark of Germany 2009
24.11.2009 "200thanniversary of Charles Darwin; 150 years On the Origin of Species; 50th anniversary of the Luitpold-Gymnasium on the Seeaustraße Nr.1 in Munich" [Sp] 02.01.2010 "Natural History Museum of Berlin" [FDC] 05.01.2010 "200thanniversary of Natural history museum of Berlin" [FDC]
Charles Darwin on postmark of Germany 2009 Fossil on postmark of Germany 2010 Skeleton of Brachiosaurus brancai on postmark of Germany 2010
2010 "Elephants empire exhibition in State Museum of Prehistory in Halle" [PM] 11.04.2010 "Opening of Dinosaur footprint hall at Dinopark in Muenchehagen" [Sp] 30.07.2011 "20 years of Dinosaur Park in Muenchehagen" [Sp]
Mammoth on postmark of Germany 2010 Sauropods and their tracks on postmark of Germany 2010 Tyrannosaurus rex on postmark of Germany 2011
11.08.2011 "150 years since discovery of Archaeopteryx" [FDC]
150 years since discovery of Archaeopteryx on commemorative postmark of Germany 2011 150 years since discovery of Archaeopteryx on commemorative postmark of Germany 2011 Archaeopteryx on commemorative postmark of Germany 2011
11.08.2011 "Archaeopteryx event day at Dinopark in Muenchehagen" [FDC] 18.11.2011 "150 years since discovery of Archaeopteryx" [Sp] 17.06.2013 "Discovery of the first Dinosaur in Germany" [Sp]
Archaeopteryx on commemorative postmark of Germany 2011 Archaeopteryx on commemorative postmark of Germany 2011 theropod dinosaurs on commemorative postmark of Germany 2013
24.06.2013 "Opening of PALAEON research and event center in Schoeningen" [Sp] 11.07.2014, 11.04.2018 "Balve city" [Sp] 2017 [DU] "Steppi with Heart" [PM]
Homo heidelbergensis with wooden spears on commemorative postmark of Germany 2013 Mammoth on meter franking of Germany 2014 and 2018 Mammoth on meter franking of Germany 2017
2017 [DU] "Solnhofen - the world in stone" [PM] 2017-2019 [DU] "Eichstaett" [PM] 07.06.2018 "150th anniversary of Dechen cave discovery" [Sp]
Pterodactyl on meter franking of Germany 2017 Juravenator on meter franking of Germany 2017 and 2019 Cave baear on commemorative postmark of Germany 2018

[C1] Fossil of cave bears are found in many caves across Germany
  • The Bear Cave (Bärenhöhle) is a stalactite cave. It is made up of Kals cave (Karlshöhle), discovered in 1834, and the continuation of the Bear Cave, discovered in 1949. It owes its name to the numerous skeletons of cave bears found in it. Several skulls and bones as well as a restored bear skeleton can be visited in the cave. The Bear Cave is located near Sonnenbühl-Erpfingen in the rocks of the white Jurassic Lime. [R9]
  • Baumann cave (Baumannshöhle)
[C2] The biggest known Ammonite in the world was found at a mine near the town of Seppenrade on February 22nd, 1895. It is about 1.80 meter in diameter, although the living chamber is incomplete. It is estimated that if complete, this specimen would have had a diameter of approximately 2.55 meters and weight 3.5 tones. Ths Ammonite has been classified at Parapuzosia seppenradensis and lived 70-80 million years ago. A smaller individual, 1.36 m in diameter was found at the same mine eight years earlier.
Nowadays both ammonites can be seen in LWL Natural History Museum of Muenster. The replica of these two ammonites can be seen in many museums around the world as well as in Seppenrade.
The town has the ammonite image on its coat as shown on another postmark from 1972. [R10]

Postmarks and meter franking issued by Philatelic clubs and societies for their annual events and shows

Legend is here a>
14.05.1976 "Regional stamp show in Lebach" [Sp] 02.10.1977 "15th anniversary of stamp and coins collector club of Trossingen" [Sp] 25.10.1980 "30 years of philatelic club of Hausham" ? [Sp]
Prehistoric fish Acanthodes Brenni on postnark of Germany 1976 Plateosaurus dinosaur on postmark of Germany 1977 Ammonite on postmark of Germany 1980
26.09.1981 "FRANKEN-PHILA'81 meeting of thematic collector group of Mineralogy, Paleontology and Speleology" [Sp]
15.01.1983 "Annual meeting of philatelic club Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bergbau und Geowissenschaften (Working Group Mining and Geosciences e. V)" [Sp]
The postmark is available in green and black colors
09.07.1983 "Stamps show - Miner day in Heiligenwald" [Sp]
Ammonite on postmark of Germany 1981 Plant fossil on postmark of Germany 1983 Plant fossil on postmark of Germany 1983
07.10.1984 "22nd stamp and coins show in Upper Allgau region. Eocene show" [Sp] 08.06.1985 "Nature and Environment stamps show" [Sp] 22.02.1987 "Neandertal'87 - youth stamps show" [Sp]
Prehistoric crabe from Eocene on postmark of Germany 1984 Ammonite on postmark of Germany 1985 Neandertal on postmark of Germany 1987
30.05.1987 "Baymo'87 - Philately and Leisure" [Sp] 25.04.1987 "Altmuelphila 1987 - Youth Stampshow 3rd Rank in Natural park Altmueltal" [Sp]
14.05.1988 "Sauerland'88 10th stamps show of 3rd rank" [Sp]
Mammoth on commemorative postmark of Germany 1987 Ammonite on postmark of Germany 1987 Ammonite on postmark of Germany 1988
22.10.1988 "25th annual stamps show in Trossingen" [Sp] 23.04.1989 "Ice age museum - stamps show 1989" [Sp] 1989 [DU]"Hewebria'89 - 100 anniversary of Industrial Trade Mining and Energy (IGBE) - Stamps show" [PM]
Prehistoric turtle Proganochelys quenstedti on postmark of Germany 1988 Mammoth on postmark of Germany 1989 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1989
26.08.1989 "Stamps show - 100th anniversary of Industrial Trade Mining and Energy" [Sp]
17.09.1989 "Hewebria'89 - 100th anniversary of Industrial Trade Mining and Energy (IGBE) - Stamps show" [Sp] 06-07.10.1990 "Mineralogy, Geology and Paleontology in Philately" [Sp]
Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1989 Ammonite on postmark of Germany 1989 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1990
1991 [DU] "Entomology philatelic club" [PM] 25.05.1991 "Stamps show 40 years of Paleontology collector club" [Sp] 29.09.1991 "Stamps show of topical group of Paleontology, Mineralogy and Speleology in Aalen" [Sp]
Prehistoric butterfly Prodryas persephone Scudder on meter franking of Germany 1991 Skull of toothed whales Eosqualodon on postmark of Germany 1991 Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1991
15.05.1992 "Fossil and Mineral stamps show in Neu-Isenburg" [Sp] 20.03.1993 "Stamps show of 3rd Rank" [Sp]
13.05.1993 "Stamps show in trade center of Neu-Isenburg" [Sp]
Theropod dinosaurs on postmark of Germany 1992 Petrified forest of Chemnitz on post of Germany 1993 Petrified forest of Chemnitz on post of Germany 1993
06.01.1994 "25th anniversary of Stamps and Coins collector club of Spaichingen" [Sp]
Ammonite on postmark of Germany 1994
27.03.1994 "Stamps show in Trilobtes museum of Burgunstadt" [Sp] 25.05.1994 "Stamps show in trade center of Neu-Isenburg. 45 years of Philatelic club" [Sp] 01.10.1994 "Stamps show in trade center of Neu-Isenburg. 46 years of Philatelic club" [Sp]
Trilobite on post mark of Germany 1994 Parasaurolophus Dinosaur on post mark of Germany 1994 Stegosaurus Dinosaur on post mark of Germany 1994
1995 [DU] "Paleontology, Mineralogy and Speleology topic philatelic club" [PM] 13.05.1995 "Stamps show in trade center of Neu-Isenburg. 47 years of Philatelic club" [Sp]
Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1995 Dinosaur on post mark of Germany 1995 Dinosaurs on postmark of Germany 1995
31.03.1995 "5th Space day in Garching by Munich" [Sp]
1996 [DU] "Paleontology, Mineralogy and Speleology topic philatelic club" [PM]
12.10.1996 "Annual meeting of Paleontology, Mineralogy and Speleology topic philatelic club" [Sp]
Triceratops dinosaur on postmark of Germany 1995 Compsognathus on meter franking of Germany 1996 Trilobite Phacops milleri on commemorative postmark of Germany 1996
09.06.1997 "Youth day of Stamp collectors" [Sp] 19.06.1998 "The day of young stamp collectors" [Sp] 12.09.1998 "25th anniversary of Paleontology, Mineralogy and Speleology topic philatelic club" [Sp]
Prehistoric horse Eohippus on post mark of Germany 1997 Dinosaur on postmark of Germany 1998 Fossils on postmark of Germany 1998
1998 [DU] "25thaniversary of Paleontology, Mineralogy and Speleology topic philatelic club" [PM] 25.09.1999 "Annual meeting of Paleontology, Mineralogy and Speleology topic philatelic club" [Sp] 23.09.2000 "Annual meeting of Paleontology, Mineralogy and Speleology topic philatelic club" [Sp]
Trilobite Ceratarges armatus on meter franking of Germany 1999 Prehistoric crocodile Stenosaurus bollensis on post mark of Germany 1999 Prehistoric coral Parasmilia on postmark of Germany 2000
27.10.2000 "International stamps show in Sindelfingen. Prehistoric animals in Germany" [Sp] 2002 [DU] "Paleontology, Mineralogy and Speleology topic philatelic club" [PM]
11.05.2002 "Annual meeting of philatelic club Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bergbau und Geowissenschaften (Working Group Mining and Geosciences e. V)" [Sp]
Prehistoric animals on postmark of Germany 2000 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 2002 Prehistoric reptile-like amphibians Diadectes absitus on postmark of Germany 2002
06.09.2003 "Sachsen day 2003, stamps adventure" [Sp]
16.10.2004 "Gero-Phila 2004, 50th anniversary of Stamp and Coin collectors. Natural History Museum in Gerolstein" [Sp]
05.05.2005 "Annual meeting of philatelic club Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bergbau und Geowissenschaften (Working Group Mining and Geosciences e. V)" [Sp]
Prehistoric elephant on post mark of Germany 2003 Trilobite on postmark of Germany 2004 Mammoth tooth on postmark of Germany 2005
06.11.2005 "Fossil day of Fossil working group" [Sp] 26.05.2006 "Annual meeting of philatelic club Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bergbau und Geowissenschaften (Working Group Mining and Geosciences e. V)" [Sp] 2006-2008 [DU] "150th anniversary of discovery of Neandertal, 40 years of philatelic club Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bergbau und Geowissenschaften (Working Group Mining and Geosciences e. V)" [PM]
Platypteryglus on postmark of Germany 2005 Chirotherium foot prints from Natural History Museum of Kassel on postmark of Germany 2006 Neanderthal and its skull on meter franking of Germany 2006
19.02.2008 "Didacta education fair. Education + Stamps, Topic Dinosaurs" [Sp] 03.10.2008 "Dinosaur post office and painting competition at the trade fair model hobby game in Leipzig" [Sp] 09.10.2008 "International stamps fair in Bonn. Introduction of postal stationery with dinosaur stamps" [Sp]
Plateosaurus on postmark of Germany 2008 Triceratops on post mark of Germany 2008 Triceratops on post mark of Germany 2008
21.11.2008 "HABRIA'08 - youth stamp competition of Rank 2" [Sp] 12.02.2009 [DU] "150th anniversary of Origin of Species, 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin" [Sp] 15.04.2011 "Stamp collector club of Muenster. Dino meeting point" [Sp]
Iguanodon on postmark of Germany 2008 German post mark from 2009 of 150 years of Origin of Species, 200 years of Charles Darwin Triceratops on post mark of Germany 2011
06.05.2016 "50th anniversary of philatelic club Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bergbau und Geowissenschaften (Working Group Mining and Geosciences e. V)" [Sp]
European forest elephant, Palaeoloxodon antiquus on postmark of Germany 2016 MICHEL Dinos - whole world catalog - contain technical details and prices of stamps with dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals

Postmarks and meter franking issued by Mineral and Fossil shows

Legend is here
17.09.1972 "Mineral fair in Munich" [Sp]
14.09.1975 "Mineral fair in Munich" [Sp]
15.10.1977 "Mineral fair in Munich" [Sp]
Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1972 Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1975 Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1977
07.10.1978 "Minerals fair in Dreieich" [Sp]
22.10.1978 "The 2nd big Mineral and Fossil market in Koblenz" [Sp]
28.10.1978 "Mineral fair in Munich" [Sp]
Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1978 Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1978 Prehistoric elepant on commemorative postmark of Germany 1978
01.09.1979 "Minerals fair in Frankfurt on Main" [Sp] 27.10.1979 "Minerals and Fossils market in City hall of Freiburg" [Sp]
11.11.1979 "Minerals and Fossils fair in Stuttgart" [Sp]
Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1979 Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1979 Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1979
16.03.1980 "Minerals and Fossils market in Fulda" [Sp]
22.06.1980 "Fossilia - Minerals and Fossils market in Stuttgart" [Sp] 28.09.1980 "10th Minerals and Fossils market in Stuttgart" [Sp]
Trilobite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1980 Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1980 Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1980
19.10.1980 "Minerals and Fossils market in City hall of Freiburg" [Sp]
26.10.1980 "The 4th big Mineral and Fossil market in Koblenz" [Sp] 05.04.1981 "Minerals and Fossils market in Fulda" [Sp]
Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1980 Trilobite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1980 Prehistoric animal on commemorative postmark of Germany 1981
31.10.1981 "Minerals Days in Munich" [Sp] 07.03.1982 "Minerals and Fossils market in Fulda" [Sp] 28.03.1982 "Minerals and Fossils market in Schweinfurt" [Sp]
Pterosaur on commemorative postmark of Germany 1981 Fossil of cave bear on commemorative postmark of Germany 1982 Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1982
23.05.1982 "Minerals market in Berghein. Meeting of FIP topical group of Mining and German topical group of Minerals" [Sp] 19.09.1982 "Minerals and Fossils market in Giessen" [Sp] 31.10.1982 "The 4th Minerals and Fossils market in Dortmund. Stamps show of topical group Minerals and Paleontology" [Sp]
Trilobite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1982 Prehistoric fish on commemorative postmark of Germany 1982 Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1982
06.11.1982 "The 5th Minerals and Fossils market in Stuttgart" [Sp] 07.11.1982 "The 10th Mineral and Fossil show in North Westphalia in Muenster. Stamps show of Mineralogy and Paleontology" [Sp] 06.03.1983 "Minerals and Fossils market in Fulda" [Sp]
Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1982 Fossilized sea urchin on commemorative postmark of Germany 1982 Fossilized shell on commemorative postmark of Germany 1983
15.10.1983 "Minerals and Fossils market in Freiburg" [Sp] 06.11.1983 "The 6th Minerals and Fossils market in Stuttgart" [Sp]
1984 [DU] "Minerals market in Fulda" [PM]
Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1983 Crown urchins plegiocidaris coronata on commemorative postmark of Germany 1983 Insect in Amber on commemorative postmark of Germany 1984
27.05.1990 "International Minerals and Fossils market in Stuttgart" [Sp]
02.12.1990 "International Minerals and Fossils market in Stuttgart" [Sp]
MICHEL Dinos - whole world catalog - contain technical details and prices of stamps with dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1990 Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1990
05.05.1991 "Minerals and Fossils market in Iserlohn. Day of young stamp collectors" [Sp] 01.11.1991 "Minerals day in Munich. 20 years of development association of Paleontological Museum of Munich" [Sp] 01.12.1991 "International Minerals and Fossils market in Stuttgart" [Sp]
Trilobite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1991 Dinotherium skull on postmark of Germany 1991 Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1991
26.04.1992 "Minerals and Fossils market in Iserlohn. Day of young stamp collectors" [Sp] 30.10.1993 "30 years (1963-1993) of Minerals Days in Munich. 150th anniversary of Paleontological Museum of Munich" [Sp] 25.04.1993 "Minerals and Fossils market in Iserlohn. Day of young stamp collectors" [Sp]
Cave bear on commemorative postmark of Germany 1992 Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1972 Marine brachiopods of Spirifer specie on commemorative postmark of Germany 1993
24.04.1994 "Minerals and Fossils market in Iserlohn. Day of young stamp collectors" [Sp]
23.04.1995 "Minerals and Fossils market in Iserlohn" [Sp]
27.10.1995 "Minerals Days in Munich. 7th exemplar of Archaeopteryx" [Sp]
Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1994 Prehistoric woolly rhinoceros on commemorative postmark of Germany 1995 Fossil of Archaeopteryx on commemorative postmark of Germany 1995
11.11.1996 "Minerals Days in Munich. Prehistoric Rhino. 16 Million years old from Sandelhausen" [Sp] 29.10.1998 "Minerals Days in Munich. Living Fossils" [Sp] 29.10.1999 "Minerals Days in Munich. Special exhibitions - Ammonites" [Sp]
Skull of prehistoric rhino Plesiaceratherium fahlbuschi on commemorative postmark of Germany 1996 Prehistoric fish Coelacanth Libys superbus on commemorative postmark of Germany 1998 Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 1999
26.10.2001 "Minerals Days in Munich. Special exhibit - Treasure fossils" [Sp] 02.11.2003 "Minerals Days in Munich. Special exhibit - Trilobites Treasure" [Sp] 29.10.2004 "The 41th Minerals Days in Munich. Puzzle in stone" [Sp]
Skull of prehistoric Ruminantia Caenotherium filholi on commemorative postmark of Germany 2001 Trilobite on commemorative postmark of Germany 2003 Fossil tracks of Rhynchosauroides on commemorative postmark of Germany 2004
28.10.2005 "The 42nd Minerals Days in Munich. Dream Agates & Fossils" [Sp] 03.11.2006 "The 43rd Minerals Days in Munich. Prehistoric Rhino from Sandelhausen" [Sp] 30.10.2009 "The 46th Minerals Days in Munich. Puzzle in stone" [Sp]
Ammonite on commemorative postmark of Germany 2005 Skull of short-finger rhino Prosantorhinus germanicus on commemorative postmark of Germany 2006 Archaeopteryx on commemorative postmark of Germany 2009
31.10.2010 "The 47th Minerals Days in Munich. Special exhibit - Brazil" [Sp] 26.10.2012 "The 49th Minerals Days in Munich. Special exhibit of African secrets" [Sp] 24.10.2014 "The 51th Minerals Days in Munich. Special exhibit of the Treasure of the Universe – the great Meteorite.e" [Sp]
Skull of Pterosaurus Tropeognathus mesembrinus on commemorative postmark of Germany 2010 Skull of therapsid Cynognathus on commemorative postmark of Germany 2012 T-rex on commemorative postmark of Germany 2014
30.10.2015 "The 52nd Minerals Days in Munich. Special exhibition - Ice age" [Sp]
Mammoth from Siegsdorf on commemorative postmark of Germany 2015 MICHEL Dinos - whole world catalog - contain technical details and prices of stamps with dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals

Other postmarks and meter franking to consider

Legend is here Post marks and meter franking of commercial companies with fossils and prehistoric animals on it.
1935 [DU] "G.Anton Seelmann & Son from Neustadt" [PM]
Post company name changed over the years
1937 [DU] "J. Kalkoffen GmbH from Saarbruecken" [PM] 1953/1955-2001 [DU] "Dr. F. Krantz - geological store from Bonn" [PM] [CC2] Zip code and Post company name, as well as position of date postmark changed over the years
Mammoth on meter franking of Germany 1938 Foraminifera fossil on commemorative postmark of Germany 1937 Mammoth on meter franking of Germany 1938
1938-1994 [DU] "Chemische Werke (Chemical works) Marienfelde Richard Boesche" [PM]
Zip code and Post company name, as well as position of date postmark changed over the years
1960 [DU] "Planatolwerk (Planatol work) W. Hesselmann from Thansau" [PM]
1960-1980 [DU] "Schweizerbart Science Publishers from Stuttgart" [PM]
Mammoth on meter franking of Germany 1938 Foraminifera fossil on commemorative postmark of Germany 1937 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1960
1963 [DU] "Mammut Steppdecken-Naemachinen (Quilts sewing machines) E. Stutznaecker from Koeln-Braunsfeld" [PM]
1964 [DU]"Hischmann from Ennigerloh" [PM]
1967 [DU]"110 years of Mamut Knitwear Ferdinand Huebner " [PM]
Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1960 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1960 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1960
1969 [DU] "Planatole and Opimatic streamline the gluing technique from Thansau" [PM] [N]
1970 [DU] "Mammut BraeuBiere und Malze aus Sangerhausen (Mammut brew, Beers and malts from Sangerhausen) [PM]
1978 [DU] "Mammut Chic in Strick (chic in knits) Feldkirchen Westerham" [PM]
Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1960 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1960 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1960
1980 [DU] "Kosmos the biggest Natural History Magazine" [PM]
1981-1984 [DU] "Resort Treuchtlingen in the nature park Altmühltal. Wave swimming pool" [PM]
1981 [DU] "Ammonite Shipping Matthias Vogel" [PM]
Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1980 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1981 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1981
1981 [DU] "Daeschler - Natural stone plant from Solnhofen" [PM]
1982-1984 [DU] "Mammut - Kaelte, Klima, Ladenbau (COLD - CLIMATE - LOADING) - Joachim Kramer GmbH" [PM]
1982 [DU] "Schweizerbart Science Publishers from Stuttgart" [PM] [N]
Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1981 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1983 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1983
1983 - 2007 [DU] "Eduard Merkle GmbH & Co. -Limestone terrazzo stone grinders" [PM]
Zip code, Post company and currency changed over the years
1984-1988 [DU] "Resort Treuchtlingen in the nature park Altmühltal. Wave swimming pool" [PM] [N]
1984-2001 [DU] "Fossilien - Europe's only magazine specifically for fossil friends. Goldschneck Publisher" [PM]
Zip code, Post company and currency changed over the years
Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1983 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1984 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1984
1988 [DU] "Resort Treuchtlingen in the nature park Altmühltal. Wave swimming pool" [PM] [N]
1991 [DU] "Dino Music from Kronberg im Taunus" [PM]
Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1988 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1979 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1979
1992 [DU]"MAMMUT Getraencke (beverages) GmbH from Sangerhausen" [PM] [N] 1992-2000 [DU] "Mammut Steppdecken-Naemachinen (Quilts sewing machines) E. Stutznaecker" [PM]
1994 [DU] "Markelsheim EG - Wine company from Bad Mergentheim" [PM]
Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1984 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1984 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1994
1994 [DU] "25 years of Natural gas from Nuertingen. The energy from prehistoric time" [PM]
1996 [DU] "Dino Publisher (Comics magazines)" [PM]
Dinosaur on meter franking of Germany 1994 Dinosaur on meter franking of Germany 1996 MICHEL Dinos - whole world catalog - contain technical details and prices of stamps with dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals
1997 [DU] "GIIC Fricke GmbH" [PM]
1998 - 2002 [DU] "JEDOWSKI (Butcher's shop) from Balve" [PM]
1999 [DU] "MAMUT moden from Feldkirchen-Westham" [PM] [N]
Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1997 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1984 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 1997
2000-now [DU] "Institute of Geotechnical Engineering in Limburg" [PM]
Currency changed over the years
2002 [DU] "FBG resort in Eichsaett" [PM]
2002 [DU] "Kalkwerk (the lime works) Hehlen" [PM]
Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 2000 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 2003 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 2003
2004 [DU] "Rehabilitation hospital in Bad Boll" [PM] 2007-now [DU] "Eduard Merkle GmbH & Co. - Limestone terrazzo stone grinders" [PM] [N] 2007 [DU] "MAMMUT from Memingen" [PM]
Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 2004 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 2007 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 2007
2011 [DU] "Mammoth Wetro from Neschwitz" [PM]
2012 [DU] "Mammoth Naemachinen (Quilts sewing machines) E. Stutznaecker" [PM]
2017 [DU] "Mammoth Naemachinen (Quilts sewing machines) E. Stutznaecker" [PM]
Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 2007 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 2007 Ammonite on meter franking of Germany 2007

[CC1] Fossil of Foraminifera depicted on the postmark of J. Kalkoffen GmbH company from Saarbruecken
Logo of Kratzer company
[CC2] - Dr. F. Krantz company established in 1833 and it is one of the oldest company which sales minerals, fossils and its replicas as well as some equipment for professional and amateur collectors
The logo of the company as depicted on the meter franking created for the 100th anniversary (1933) by former employee Dr. med. K. E. Busz and by the graphic artist K.M. Stucco drawn from Bonn Bad Godesberg .
The logo represents the three areas of an icosetrahedron (crystal form of a tourmaline in spherical form) placed on a plane.
Pyritohedron crystal depicted on the top, Ammonite on bottom-left and skull of the Neanderthal of La-Chapelle-aux Saints, on the right. The skull found in 1908, five years later, in 1913, Dr. Krantz purchased exclusive rights to create and sell replicas of the skull.
The skull also appeared on postmarks of France in 1977 and 1990.

Post marks and meter franking shows fossil-found places, buildings of Natural History Museums, contributors to Paleontology and Paleoanthropology science.

Legend is here
1972 [DU] "Discovery place of Neanderthal" [PM]
17.10.1976 "Balver cave" [Sp]
1977-1993 [DU] "Visit Eichstaett" [PM]
Zip code changed over the years
Neanderthal fossil discovery place on meter franking of Germany 1972 Balver cave fossil-found place on meter franking of Germany 1972 Natural History Museum in Eichstaett on post marks of Germany
1980 - 1986 [DU] "Visit Eichstaett" [PM]
26.02.1982 "International Symposium: Alfed Wegener" [BA1] [Sp]
1982 [DU] "Natural History Museum of Muenster - Planetarium" [PM]
Natural History Museum in Eichstaett on post marks of Germany Alfred Wegener on postmark of Germany 1982 Natural History Museum of Muenster on meter franking of Germany 1982
1988 [DU] "Nature and environment museum of Schoelerberg" [PM]
1989-2001 [DU] "Visit Eichstaett" [PM]
Zip code, post company name and the currency changed over the years
1993-1994 [DU] "DINOS in Nuremberg 09.12.1993-10.04.1994 in Industrial Culture Museum" [Sp]
Nature and environment museum of Schoelerberg on meter franking of Germany 1988 Natural History Museum in Eichstaett on meter franking of Germany Dinosaurs exhibition in Nuremberg on meter franking of Germany
24.01.1994 "500th anniversary of Georgius Agricola" [Sp]
1994 [DU] "Agricola Year" [Sp]
24.03.1994 "500th anniversary of Georgius Agricola" [Sp]
Georgius Agricola on postmark of Germany 1994 Georgius Agricola on meter franking of Germany 1994 Georgius Agricola on postmark of Germany 1994
28.07.1994 "Stamps show: Mountain and hut people - Georgius Agricola (1494-1555)" [Sp]
30.10.1994 "Stamps day 1994 in Freiberg - Georgius Agricola (1494-1555)" [Sp]
1997 [DU] "75th anniversary of Natural History Museum of Ulm" [PM]
Georgius Agricola on postmark of Germany 1994 Georgius Agricola on postmark of Germany 1994 Natural History Museum of Ulm on meter franking of Germany 1997
20.08.1998 "Word Heritage site: Messel Pit" [FDC] [1] 22.10.2000 " Prof. Dr. Hans-Erich Reineck (1918-1999) - marine geologist" [Sp]
Messel Pit on postmark of Germany 1998 Messel Pit on postmark of Germany 1998 Prof. Dr. Hans-Erich Reineck on postmark of Germany 2000
1995 [DU] "Helms-Museum: Hamburg Museum for Archeology and History of Hamburg" [PM]
1998 - 2000 [DU] "100 anniversary of Helms-Museum: Hamburg Museum for Archeology and History of Hamburg" [PM]
Meterfranking of Hamburg Museum for Archeology and History of Hamburg, Germany 2000 Meterfranking of Hamburg Museum for Archeology and History of Hamburg, Germany 2000
2001 [DU] "Natural History Museum of Muenster" [PM]
2002 [DU] "Archeology museum in Gifhorn" [PM]
08.10.2005 "Great German scientists - Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919)" [Sp]
Natural History Museum of Muenster on meter franking of Germany 2001 Archeology museum in Gifhorn on meter franking of Germany 2002 Great German scientists Ernst Haeckel on commemorative postmark of Germany 2005
22.10.2005 "450 years since dead of Georgius Agricola (1494-1555)" [Sp] 2006 [DU] "Neanderthal Museum" [PM]
2006 [DU] "Balver cave" [PM]
Georgius Agricola on postmark of Germany 2005 Neanderthal Museum on meter franking of Germany 2006 Balver cave fossil-found place on meter franking of Germany 2006
28.02.2007 "300th anniversary of J. Ch. Senckenberg" [Sp] [A1] 13.10.2007 "100th anniversary of Senckenberg Museum" [Sp] 12.10.2008 "32.000 years - Mammoth from ivory from Vogelherd cave by Lonetal" [Sp]
Johann Christian Senckenberg on commemorative post mark of Germany 2007 Senckenberg Museum on commemorative post mark of Germany 2007 Mammoth from ivory on commemorative postmark of Germany 2008
2009-2010 [DU] "Dinosaurs - giants from Argentina in Koenig Museum of Bonn 03.12-2009-06-06.2010" [PM]
19.09.2011 "20 years since discovery of "Oetzi" from Bronze age" [Sp]
2012 [DU] "Neanderthal Museum" [PM]
Dinosaurs exhibit in museum of Bonn on meter franking of Germany Oetzi on post mark of Germany 2011 Neanderthal Museum on meter franking of Germany 2012
2012 "75 years of Neanderthal Museum (1937-2012)" [Sp] 02.11.2017 "200th anniversary of the Senckenberg Natural Research Society" [Sp] 25.05.2018 "International Philatelic Exhibit ÖVEBRIA 2018" [Sp]
Neanderthal Museum on postmark of Germany 2012 Senckenberg Natural Research Society on commemorative postmark of Germany 2017 Lindwurmbrunnen von Klagenfurt on commemorative postmark of Germany 2018
09.06.2018 "150th anniversary of discovery of Dechen cave" [Sp]
Cave bears fossil-found place on commemorative postmark of Germany 2018


Dr. Peter Voice from Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Western Michigan University, for reviewing the draft page and his valuable comments.

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