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Due to the fact this website is still under construction, changes happen almost daily. To get more frequent updates, please follow me on Twitter or "PaleoPhilately" group on Facebook.


In May, 2024, the "Paleophilatelie" website was awarded a GOLD Medal (10 of 10 points) and a Special Award at EXPOFILABRAS 2024 - Virtual Philatelic Exhibition, organized by the Brazilian Philatelic Federation.
Paleophilateie certificate from EXPOFILABRAS 2024 online show
In their feedback, about the "Paleophilatelie" website, the jury wrote:

A benchmark website by which others are judged. This is THE reference site for the topical collector in this field. Content meets purpose 100%. Hard to find fault...

More details about awarads of "Paleophilatelie" website is here.

New pages
The cover of Stamp Collector Magazine, August 2024

Updated pages: In August 2024, commercial philatelic magazine "STAMP Collector", in the Great Britain, published an article "Paleontology on Stamps", based on the following articles of "Paleophilatelie" website: Note: the August 204, issue of the magazine came to the sale in the middle of July 2024, in the on-line store of the publisher.


The "Paleophilatelie" website was awarded a Large GOLD Medal at the 18th New Zealand National Philatelic Literature Exhibition 2023 (NZNPLE-2023), organized by the New Zealand Philatelic Federation.
Medal of Paleophilatelie website at NZNPLE-2023
The Christchurch (NZ) Philatelic SocietyThe exhibition took place between the 18th and 19th of November 2023 in Christchurch (the largest city in the South Island of New Zealand). More details about participation of "" at NZNPLE-2023 are here.

Updated pages: New pages


The "Paleophilatelie" website was awarded a Large Vermeil Medal in the competition of philatelic websites at Great American Stamp Show (GASS) 2023 that took place between the 10th and 13th of August, 2023 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
Medal of Paleophilatelie website at GASS 2023
More details about participation of "" at GASS2023 are here.
The feedback of the jury was provided together with how the score was split. It was useful and led to several changes on multiple pages of the website, including the home page.

Updated pages: Additional tab buttons were added on the bottom side of every page, including this page, to simplify the navigation through the website. The red button indicates your current location on this website. Click on the "Back to the Top" button to return to the top of the page.


Medal of Paleophilatelie website at IBRA 2023
The "Paleophilatelie" website was awarded a Large Vermeil Medal in the competition of philatelic websites at IBRA 2023.
Certificate of Paleophilatelie website at IBRA 2023
"Ichthyosaurs" article published in August 2023 issue of the STAMP magazine (UK) is the very short version of The History of the Discovery of Ichthyosaurs.
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New pages:
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New pages:
Medal of Paleophilatelie website at CAPE TOWN 2022
Medal of Paleophilatelie website at CAPE TOWN 2022.
Updated pages:
In November 2022, the "Paleophilatelie" website was awarded a Large Vermeil medal in the competition of philatelic websites at the International Stamp Exhibition CAPE TOWN 2022, that took place between 8 and 12 of November 2022 in Cape Town, South Africa. The "Paleophilatelie" website received 86 of 100 points.


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New pages:
Certificate of Paleophilatelie website at PWO EXPO 2022
Certificate of Paleophilatelie website at PWO EXPO 2022
Updated pages:
In September 2022 "Paleophilatelie" website was awarded a GOLD medal in the competition of philatelic websites at the PWO-EXPO 2022 on-line show. The "Paleophilatelie" website received 10 of 10 points. PWO-EXPO 2022 was presented by Virtuafil, an informal organisation and online platform which offers an alternative to the traditional, formal philatelic organisations, designed to minimize restrictions and maximize open and zero-cost participation at exhibitions.


New pages:
Letter from Richard Owen to Sir Henry Barkly, 1876
Letter from Richard Owen to Sir Henry Barkly, 1876
Updated pages:
  • Current Year (2022) - new stamps, postmaks and postal stationaries were added, announcements updated. Many new stamps are coming in the next months.
  • Many new content added on the Topical pages, mostly on Museums and Fossil Sites pages.
  • Niuafoʻou (Tonga)
  • UK

Medal of Paleophilatelie website at CAPEX 2022 in Toronto 2022 In June 2022 "Paleophilatelie" website was awarded a Vermeil medal in the competition of philatelic websites at Capex 2022 philatelic show. The "Paleophilatelie" website received 83 points of 100.

Capex 2022 International One Frame Stamp Championship Exhibition was held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC) in the heart of Toronto’s downtown entertainment district. With more than 400 frames CAPEX 22 was the largest show of one frame exhibition ever. The show was organized by the Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada under the patronage of the Federation Interamericana de Filatelia (FIAF) and with the recognition of Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP).
The exhibition also included an array of printed and digital philatelic literature, including philatelic websites.

According to the organizers, computers with internet connections were available at the Literature viewing area where attendees could view any publications entered as pdf or other digital media. All websites without paid or restricted access were also available for viewing.
This might be the first international expo where such digital literature facilities were offered!


New pages:
Updated pages:
  • Current Year (2022) - new stamps, postmaks and postal stationaries were added, announcements updated
  • Some more stamps from "Other stamps to consider" category were added to 2021 page.
  • Many new content added on the Topical pages, mostly on Museums and Fossil Sites pages.
  • France - some new postmarks and special covers added
  • Selected Books - some most recent Paleontology related books added to the lists


New pages:
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Certificate of Award of Paleophilatelie website at Worldwide exhibit patrona by FIP in London 2022 In February 2022 "Paleophilatelie" website was awarded a Vermeil medal on competition of philatelic websites at London 2022 philatelic show.
The show has been organized by Stamp World Exhibitions Ltd. on behalf of the Association of British Philatelic Societies. The exhibition was held under the patronaged of the Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP), who recognized it as a Worldwide Exhibition and the recognition of the Federation of European Philatelic Associations (FEPA).
The show was planed for 2020 first, but postponed due to Covid.
Unfortunatelly, similar to all other stamps show where "Paleophilatelie" was participated, no display were installed in the exhibition hall.
The websites were invisible for the public.
The only place were the websites were listed in the exhibition catalogue.

On February 24th, 2022 Russian army invaded Ukraine territory and currently bombing peaceful cities and killing civilians all over the territory of Ukraine.

Please think twice if you want to buy anything from Russia, even some stamps or covers, and indirectly support their aggression against Ukraine, free and independent European country.

I'm, Michael Kogan admin and owner of this website, call all my visitors from around the world to boycott Russia - don't give your money to the country to kill Ukrainian citizens and destroy Ukrainian cities.
Boycott Russia - Save Ukraine !
Boycott Russia, support Ukraine We stand with Ukraine


Paleontology: An illustarted History
New pages: Updated pages:


New pages:
  • Pabay Island (Scotland, UK) - some local carriage labels were issued by the owner of the island to care mail to the mainland, where the UK Royal Mail takes over.
  • "100 years of modern science", Mongolia 2021
Updated pages:
* Current Year page restarted. The previous content moved to 2021 year page.
* The list of stamps issue programmes updated (the 5th column of the table - the calendar icon). Unfortunately not every Postal administration publish their plans on-line.
* Galleries.
There following galleries contain over 6.000 images of various philatelic items related to Paleontology and Paleoanthropology: official postage stamps, First Day Covers (FDC), postmarks and meter franking, commercially used covers and postcards.
  • Official stamps related to Paleontology or Paleoanthropology: dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals, prehistoric plants, fossils, paleontologists and paleoanthropoligists.
  • Other official stamps to consider: fossil sites, Natural History Museums, contributors to Paleontology or Paleoanthropology.
  • Examples of circultated covers and postcards with stamps related to Paleontology or Paleoanthropology.
  • Official and personalized FDC with stamps related to Paleontology or Paleoanthropology: dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals, prehistoric plants, fossils, paleontologists and paleoanthropoligists.
  • Other official and personalized FDC to conside: fossil sites, Natural History Museums, contributors to Paleontology or Paleoanthropology
  • Examples of circultated FDC with stamps related to Paleontology or Paleoanthropology.
  • Postmarks and meter frankings related to Paleontology or Paleoanthropology: dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals, prehistoric plants, fossils, paleontologists and paleoanthropoligists.
  • Other postmarks and meter frankings to consider: fossil sites, Natural History Museums, contributors to Paleontology or Paleoanthropology.
  • Examples of circultated covers and postcards with postmarks and meter frankings related to Paleontology or Paleoanthropology.

Several postmarks with dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals were discovered. Many thanks to fellow collectors: Jon Noad and Jiri Knoflicek !
Dinosausr and othre prehistoric animals on international postmarks
  • China 2017 - the postmark from China 2017 is the 46th dinosaur postmark of China 2017, uploaded on this site. Just wonder how many postmarks were issued this year for the dinosaur stamps set.
  • Germany 1995
  • Japan 1990
  • Romania 1993
  • Sierra Leone 1992 -the only, known to me on the moment, commemorative postmark with dinosaur of Sierra Leone.
    It was used on some FDCs in 1992. Regular postmarks were used on all other, known to me, FDCs of Sierra Leone.
    e.g. Two FDCs with the Sheet and Souvenir Sheet of the same set: sierra_leone_1992_fdc The FDC with the Sheet was canceled by regular postmark. The FDC with the Souvenir Sheet was canceled with the commemorative postmark.
  • USA 1996

Updated pages:
Reconstruction: the following pages are under reconstruction. Many new text and images are coming soon.

Certificate of Award of Paleophilatelie website at FILANANIAS 2021 virtual philatelic show in Brazil
In September 2021 "Paleophilatelie" website was awarded by a GOLD Medal on competition of philatelic websites at FILANANIAS 2021 in Brazil.

The jury feedback:
"This is simply one of the very best philatelic websites out there. The statement on the site is "the most comprehensive catalog about Paleontology and Paleoanthropology in Philately" and I believe this is quite correct.
The amount of information available seems almost limitless and the philatelic knowledge on show is of the highest level, where each issue is studied in minute detail.
There seems to be no aspect of this theme that has been left unexplored.
I was particularity impressed with the section that talks about undesirable stamp issue from various African countries.
This is an area rarely mentioned in philately...
Do you have any questions or want to talk about your hobby with collectors who share the same interest?
Looking for swap partners ?
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PaleoPhilately Facebook Group - Welcome to join ! PaleoPhilately Facebook Group - Welcome to join !
Russian magazine "Знание для всех" (in English: "Knowledge for everybody") published in 1916 in St. Petersburg.
PDF file of 53Mb - UPLOADED

Russian magazine Знание для всех (Knowledge for everybody) published 1916 in St. Petersburg The History of Ichthyosaurs Discovery "The History of the Discovery of Ichthyosaurs" article updated !

Review of the Country pages is completed. Many images and text added.
Many thanks to Dr. Peter Voice from Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Western Michigan University, for his help in the pages review, English corrections and his very valuable comments.

"PaleoPhilately" Facebook group grown over 1.000 members ! You are welcome to join us !

Russian magazine "Знание для всех" (in English: "Knowledge for everybody") published in 1916 in St. Petersburg - PDF file of 53Mb - UPLOADED.
Enjoy the text, if you can read Russian, and many vintage reconstruction of prehistoric animals.

New pages: Updated pages:


Country pages are under review this year. More notes and images added on A-I pages already. Review of J pages will be completed soon.

Updated pages:
New pages added recently:


Country pages are under review this year. More notes and images added on A-F pages already. Review of G pages will be completed soon.

Landscape postcard Greeting from the Banz Castle
Landscape postcard Greeting from the Banz Castle, posted in 1899. The skull of Temnodontosaurus trigonodon depicted in the middle.
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New pages added recently:
Dead links checked - quite some found and fixed. If you hit any dead link or something doesn't work as expected, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Brief presentation of Paleophilatelie website uploaded om Youtube. Feel free to share it the friends.