by Mrs. Romina Aimar from Argentina
Exhibit language: Spanish, English version is
Se intentarä describir los principales hechos y mostrar los diferentes
dinosaurios y animales prehistöricos pertenecientes a la era Mesozoica, llamada la era
de los dinosaurios, y a sus periodos Triäsico, Juräsico y Cretäcico.
Se comienza con una breve descripciön de la era Mesozoica, una breve
explicaciön del movimiento continental durante este tiempo geolögico, luego la
definiciön de dinosaurio y, empezando del periodo mäs antiguo al mäs reciente,
algunos de los dinosaurios que poblaron nuestro planeta; para finalizar se muestran
algunos reptiles que convivieron con los dinosaurios.
Como aclaraciön cada periodo y época dentro del periodo tiene un color dado por el Cödigo
de Color RGB segün la Comisiön para el Mapa Geolögico del Mundo (CGMW Commission for the Geological
Map of the World) y los nombres y afios aproximados de comienzo y finalizaciön segün
la Tabla Cronoestatigräfica Internacional perteneciente a la Comisiön Nacional de Estratigrafia.
About the author:
"Hello. My name is Romina Aimar, I’m from Santa Rosa, province of La Pampa in Argentina.
I’m a computer teacher in National University of La Pampa.
My passion for thematic philately is recent and, although my passion is for computers, I love both paleonthology and philately and I
decided to combine them.
My first stamps were Argentinian stamps that I inherited from my mother (my grandfather and my uncle worked in the
post office), and so it began my fascination for the philately.
The Argentinian Post Office in Santa Rosa launched a convocation to local
philatelists to set up an exhibitiom and my constant visits to the post
office helped me to be convened.
I felt frustrated in the beginning because there is a lot of rules to make a presentation, so I decided to
do it virtually and receive suggestions and advices from more experimented philatelists.
At the link
I show the first draft of the virtual presentation.
Then I contact Michael (Admin of this site), who give me the possibility to publish my
presentation in Spanish
on his website and to whom I am deeply grateful and, as a personal challenge, I wrote it also in English.
I’m also very grateful to my husband Sergio Dalmasso for his constant support and the help that he gave me with the