Printed in 2 x
5 sheets with a label in the middle of the bottom row (9
stamps nad 1 tab).
On the labels Abelisaurus comahuensis and Megaraptor namunhuaiquii
On November 11 2009, Post authority issued set of two stamps. of
dinosaurs: "Dinosaurs of Argentina in Belgrade". One stamp shows
reconstruction of Herrerasaurus
ischigualastensis another shows skeleton of Giganotosaurus
carolini. Stamps issued in mini sheets
of 9 stamps and 1 tab (5x2) in the middle of thes second row.
The exhibition Dinosaurs of Argentina - Giants of Patagonia was brought
Belgrade as a result of cooperation between GGPCLA Grupo Cultural from
Argentina and Belgrade Natural History Museum. Dinosaurs belong to the
reptile family which was extincted 65 million years ago (60 million
years before the appearance of the first hominid). The word dinosaur
(terrible lizard) was used for the first time in 1841 by Ser Richard
Owen, the naturalist.
The exhibition presents 20 species of dinosaurs
and around 40 exhibits of skeletons or skeleton parts, dinosaur eggs,
nests, craniums, bones,
footprint replicas and reconstructions of life in the past. The
exhibition's most attractive part consists of the complete skeletons of
10 dinosaurs: the bloodthirsty camivore Giganotosaurus (14
herbivore Rabbachisaurus (17 m), Camotaurus (7.5 m), Herrerasaurus (2,5
m) etc. The Belgrade exhibition also features a premiere: a nine-meter
Megaraptor, with claws half a meter long. Dinosaurs discovered in
Patagonia, southem region of Argentina, are considered to be the oldest
dinosaurs that ever lived on our planet,
during a period which lasted more than 180 million of years. The
Natural History Museum also prepared a mini - exhibition Serbia in the
time of dinosaurs which features exhibits of the world of fossils that
lived in Mesozoic era, on nowadays territory of Serbia, which was, at
that time, mostly under the sea. That is the reason why a big number of
fossils belong to invertebrates (snails, shells, sea urchins,
ammonites). There was no much data about the dinosaurs. The most
reliable facts were gathered on the Balkan mountain where finger
replicas of very small dinosaurs (Thecodontosaurus) were found in 200
million years old rocks.
This exhibition was very significant culture event in Serbia, the
newspaper SerbiaToday wrote: "Belgrade, June 23, (Serbia Today) -During
the next seven months,
visitors will
have the opportunity to see the beautiful exhibition " Dinosaurs of
Argentina -Giants of Patagonia" in the Impulse hall of the hotel
"Continental" in Belgrade.
"... This is chronological exhibition, which
includes recapitulation life dinosaur 65 million years ago. Before
Belgrade, the exhibition was in in Washington, and Turin, and was very
visited. According to organizers, this is not passive exhibition, but
requires the active participation of visitors. The exhibition is
particularly interesting for children, there are workshops for them and
competitions in drawing dinosaurs and big puzzle with dinosaur theme.
Also, there are a lot of dinosaur toys that show the period in which
they lived. This is educational exhibition and visitor can learn how
dinosaur lived, what they hunted. It is estimated that the dinosaur
life, depending on the type, was 20 to even 400 years. Visitors in
Belgrade have a special honor to attend the European Premiere oldest
dinosaur Megareptora nine meters long and 70 centimeters in length
hand. During the exhibition, visitors will be able to see the
mini-setup "Serbia at the time of dinosaur," in which will be shown to
world fossil remains that at the time lived in Serbia. According to
organizers from Natural History Museum of Belgrade scientists in some
part of Serbia found only the remains of shellfish, sea snails and
sea-urchins. However, they are hoping that there is a chance to be in
Serbia found something this spectacular. Exhibition of fossil dinosaur
remains have great national significance, because it has not seen in
our region and will be open until January 2010"