Portugal 2015 "Dinosaurs of Portugal" (Dinossurios em Portugal)

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Issue Date 04.05.2015
ID Michel: 92-94; Scott: N/A; Stanley Gibbons: MLP190-MLP192; Yvert: D207-D209; Category: pR
Design Fernando Correia
Stamps in set 3 self-adhesive ATM labels
Value €0.45 : €2.35 - Ceratosaurus
€0.45 : €2.35 - Allosaurus europaeus
€0.45 : €2.35 - Torvosaurus gurneyi
Size (width x height) 55mm x 30 mm
Layout stripe of 3 self adhesive labels
Products FDC x3, Presentation Pack x1
Perforation self-adhesive, imperforate
Print Technique Offset
Printed by Litho Formas Portuguesa, Portugal
Quantity N/A
Issuing Authority CTT Correios de Portugal
Dinosaurs stamps of Portugal 2015

On May 4th, 2015, the Post Authority of Portugal introduced 3 new self adhesive ATM stamps with dinosaurs design. Similar to the stamps from 1999-2002 they are sold at vending machine printed 7 predefined values, but this time there was the only one vendor of the vending machine: Newvision.
Newvision e-Post 2000 vending machine, which was first installed in Portugal in December 2000, was available in most of the post offices and at the philatelic desk. Another type of vending machine of the same company, e-Post 2000M (Modular) was available in few post offices only. This type of vending machine have bigger choice of predefined values, according to weight, destination, and type of shipping required. The stamps with these extra values are rare.

The major postal rates available at vending machines in Portugal in 2015
Year of issue Without additional label
(regular mail)
"Correio Azul"
(priority mail)
Vending machines used in Portugal in 2015
Domestic Spain Europe, except Spain Rest of the world Domestic International
up to 20g. up to 100g. up to 20g. up to 20g. up to 20g. up to 20g. up to 20g.
2015 €0.45 €0.60 €0.62 €0.72 €0.80 €0.55 €2.35
The vending machines used in Portugal in 2015, from left to right: NewVision: E-post 2000 and E-Post M (Modular)

Two special commemorative post marks designed for stamps presentations in Lisbon and Porto on the day of stamps issue (nowadays, Post of Portugal is always made two post marks one for Lisbon and another for Porto, the second big city of Portugal, to provide an possibity to more philatelist to cancel some covers and stamps). Addition commemorative post mark is design on request of Lourinha city community. Lourinha is the place where fossils of all 3 dinosaurs found and where it can be seen in “Museu Da Lourinha”.
Postmark of Lisbon Postmark of Porto Postmark of Lourinha

Postmark of Madrid

An extra postmark designed for 47º Expo National stamp fair in Madrid, which took place only 3 days after the stamps issue, where Portuguese Post was invited for the first time and presented their dinosaur stamps along other philatelic products.
On the first day of the fair Spanish post present their first ever stamps set dedicated to dinosaur.
This year, the main theme of the fair was linked to these prehistoric animals, with the intention of attracting the children and young people in addition to those interested in philately.
The Spanish stamps uses special printing techniques for the stamps (phosphorescence, flaky texture and 3D), but the dinosaurs looks like a cartoon or children drawing.

The following dinosaurs were depicted on the ATM stamps

Allosaurus europaeus, Ceratosaurus sp. and Torvosaurus gurneyi. The stamps were illustrated by Fernando Correia who has been one of the paleontological illustration promoters in Portugal and a member of the International Competition Jury of Dinosaur Illustration (IDRC) sponsored by GEAL -Museu da Lourinhã.

Fernando Correia is a Biologist and holds a Master degree in Animal Ecology (Coimbra University). He works as professional scientific illustrator freelance since 1988 and teaches Sc. Illustration in several Portuguese Universities. Presently is the Laboratory of Scientific Illustration director, and the coordinator of post-graduation course “Specialization Course in Scientific Illustration”.

Torvosaurus gurneyi on ATM stamp of Portugal 2015
Torvosaurus gurneyi on ATM stamp of Portugal 2015
Ceratosaurus on ATM stamp of Portugal 2015
Ceratosaurus on ATM stamp of Portugal 2015
Allosaurus on ATM stamp of Portugal 2015
Allosaurus on ATM stamp of Portugal 2015
Allosaurus on ATM stamp of Portugal 1999
Allosaurus on ATM stamp of Portugal 1999
Torvosaurus gurneyi named in honor of the famous American paleoartist James Gurney – creator of the utopic world of Dinotopia, who also designed dinosaur stamps for USA in 1997 and Australia 2013.
Torvosaurus was the largest land predator that lived in Portugal and throughout Europe. His skull average is more than a meter long and a whole would weigh between 4-5 tons and was about 10 meters long. Despite its colossal size, also know it is their embryos, rare findings that can be seen at the Museum of Lourinha.

The Museu da Lourinha (the Museum of Lourinha) holds the main dinosaur collection of the country. The museum was founded in 1984 by GEAL - Grupo de Etnologia e Arqueologia da Lourinha (Lourinha's Group of Ethnology and Archeology).
The museum has very complete exhibits of archaeology and ethnology, but the main focus of the museum is the palaeontology hall, which presents casts of famous dinosaurs, as well as fossils recovered from the Late Jurassic Lourinha Formation.
Among these is the famous theropod nest found at the beach of Paimogo, which contains eggs with embryos inside, probably belonging to Lourinhanosaurus (depicted on one of the ATM stamps in 1999). In 2011, the Museum issued its own personalized stamps show six "domestic" dinosaurs.

Om March 2014, Sky-News reported about two paleontologists from Portugal who described a new species of giant dinosaur. Fossilized bones of this dinosaur were unearthed from the Lourinha Formation near Lisbon, Portugal. They were originally believed to be Torvosaurus tanneri, a dinosaur species that lived in what is now North America during Jurassic, 153 to 148 million years ago.
But closer comparison of the shin bone, upper jawbone, teeth, and partial tail vertebrae suggest to the paleontologists that it may be a previously unknown Torvosaurus species. The number of teeth, as well as size and shape of the mouth, may differentiate the European and the American Torvosaurus. The fossil of the upper jaw of Torvosaurus tanneri has 11 or more teeth, while Torvosaurus gurneyi has fewer than 11, and the mouth bones have a different shape and structure. Fossilised remains of other closely related dinosaurs suggest Torvosaurus gurneyi may have been covered with "protofeathers" – the precursors of bird feathers.
“With a skull of 1.15 meters, Torvosaurus gurneyi was however one of the largest terrestrial carnivores at this epoch, and an active predator that hunted other large dinosaurs, as evidenced by blade shape teeth up to 10 cm.” said lead author Dr Christophe Hendrickx from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and the Museu da Lourinha, Portugal.

Ceratosaurus, was a large predatory theropod dinosaur, about 5-7 meters long and weighed up to 980 kilograms, from the Late Jurassic Period (about 150 million years ago), found in the Morrison Formation of North America, and the Lourinha Formation of Portugal.
In Portugal, there are no known element of his skull. Still, it is known that the anatomy of various elements of the members are very similar to those known in North America. It was characterized by large jaws with blade-like teeth, a large, blade-like horn on the snout and a pair of hornlets over the eyes. The forelimbs were powerfully built but very short. A row of small armours was present down the middle of the back.

The last stamp of the set is one of the great predators best known in Portugal: the Allosaurus (appeared on stamps from 1999 - see on the right). It is known the skull, teeth, vertebrae and many other elements of its skeleton. Its also lived in North America, however, there are some differences between American and the Portuguese species who have been justified by some experts.

Similar ATM stamps: Portugal 1999-2002 "Dinosaurs of Portugal"
Dinosaurs of Portugal 1999 Dinosaurs of Portugal 2000 Dinosaurs of Portugal 2002

Products and associated philatelic items

The set of all values Blank strip Test values
Dinosaurs on SMD ATM stamps of Portugal 2015 - all values Blank stripe with ATM dinosaur stamps of Portugal 2015 Blank stripe with ATM dinosaur stamps of Portugal 2015
Maxi Cards CTO
Blank stripe with ATM dinosaur stamps of Portugal 2015 Blank stripe with ATM dinosaur stamps of Portugal 2015 Dinosaurs on SMD ATM stamps of Portugal 2015 - all values
CTO stamps with the commemorative postmark of Lourinha
First-Day-of-Issue Postmarks Commemorative Postmarks
First-Day-of-Issue Postmark of Lisbon First-Day-of-Issue Postmark of Porto Commemorative Postmark of Lourinha Commemorative Postmark of Madrid
FDC and Commemorative Covers
FDC with ATM dinosaur stamps of Portugal 2015 Blank stripe with ATM dinosaur stamps of Portugal 2015 Dinosaurs on SMD ATM stamps of Portugal 2015 - all values
Lisboa Porto Lourinha
FDC and Commemorative Covers
FDC with ATM dinosaur stamps of Portugal 2015 FDC with ATM dinosaur stamps of Portugal 2015 FDC with ATM dinosaur stamps of Portugal 2015
Circulated FDC
FDC with ATM dinosaur stamps of Portugal 2015 FDC with ATM dinosaur stamps of Portugal 2015 FDC with ATM dinosaur stamps of Portugal 2015
Example of circulated covers
FDC with ATM dinosaur stamps of Portugal 2015 FDC with ATM dinosaur stamps of Portugal 2015

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