2009 was both the 200th Anniversary or bicentenary of the birth of the greatest naturalist in history, Charles Robert Darwin, and the 150th Anniversary of the publication of his most famous work On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection.

"das Charles Darwin Jahr" article of Peter Brandhuber
"das Charles Darwin Jahr" article of Peter Brandhuber (on German)

Many postal authorities around the world issued some stamps in the years 2008 - 2010, to sign this event(s).

The first stamp related to "150 years of the Theory of Evolution" is issued by Bosnia and Herzogovina under Serbian administration on 01.07.2008. Printed in Mini-sheet of 8 stamps and one tab in the middle

On 12.02.2009 (exactly on the Birthday of Charles Darwin) : three stamp sets are issued by Cuba, Great Britain and Portugal; two individual stamps are issued by Italy and Vietnam. The stamps of Great Britain's set have a form of puzzle.

The latest stamps are issued by Palau and Paraguay in 2010 on 02.03.2010 and 28.05. Palau issued two MS with 6 stamps each. On one of the MS has a stamp of Robert FitzRoy who was the captain of Beagle sheet and share his cabin with young unknown naturalist Charles Darwin.

Click on image to enlarge it or to be redirected to description page, when exist.
01.07.2008 Bosnia and Herzogovina
150 years of the Theory of Evolution on stamp of Bosnia and Herzogovina from 2008
02.01.2009 Czech
Charles Darwin in stamps set of Famous Persons of Czech Republic 2009
06.02.2009 Bulgaria
Charles Darwin in stamps set of Famous Persons of Bulgaria 2009
12.02.2009 Cuba
stamps of Charles Darwin of Cuba 2009
12.02.2009 Great Britain
stamps of Charles Darwin of Great Britain 2009
12.02.2009 Portugal
stamps of Charles Darwin of Portugal 2009
12.02.2009 Italy
stamp of Charles Darwin of Italy 2009
12.02.2009 Vietnam
stamp of Charles Darwin of Vietnam 2009
26.02.2009 Guernsey
stamps of Darwin's Discoveries of Guernsey 2009
20.03.2009 Ireland

Charles Darwin on stamp of Ireland 2009

19.04.2009 Falkland Islands

stamps shows Darwin's visit on Falkland Islands

15.06.2009 Nevis

Charles Darwin on stamps of Nevis from 2009

17.06.2009 Macedonia

Charles Darwin on stamp of Macedonia from 2009

22.06.2009 Serbia

Charles Darwin in stamps set of Famous Persons of Serbia 2009

24.06.2009 Pitcairn Islands

Charles darwin stamps of Pitcairn islands from 2009

15.07.2009 Spain
Charles Darwin in stamps set of Famous Persons of Spain 2009
21.07.2009 Grenada

Charles Darwin on stamps of Grenada 2009

28.07.2009 Montserrat
Charles darwin on stamps of Montserrat from 2009
31.08.2009 Uruguay

Charles darwin on stamps of Uruguay from 2009

31.08.2009 Cabo Verde

Charles darwin on stamps of Cabo Verde from 2009

10.09.2009 Bosnia and Herzegovina

Charles darwin on stamps of Bosnia from 2009

23.09.2009 Vanuatu
Charles darwin on stamps of Vanuatu from 2009
09.011.2009 Ascension Islands
Charles Darwin on stamps of Ascension Islands from 2009
12.11.2009 Gibraltar
Charles Darwin on stamps of Gibraltar from 2009
24.11.2009 Austria
Charle Darwin on stamps of Astria from 2009
17.02.2010 Micronesia

Charles Darwin on stamps of Micronesia from 2010

20.04.2010 Paraguay

Charles Darwin on stamps of Paraguay from 2009

28.05.2010 Palau

Charle Darwin on stamps of Paraguay from 2009

Darwin and Evolution  philatelic exhibit

Some other stamps to mention:
Mozambique and Togo issued some stamps shows Charles Darwin and Dinosaurs. Paleontology was not a main, if at all, area of interest for Charles Darwin. Moreover most of the species depicting there were discovered many years after c. Darwin died (1882), : Tyranosaurs discovered in1905, Zuniceratops was discovered in 1996, Muttaburrasaurus in 1987. Only Stegosaurus and Archaeopteryx were discovered when Charles Darwin was alive
30.11.2009 Mozambique
Charle Darwin and some Dinosaurs on stamps of Togo from 2010
15.07.2010 Togo
Charle Darwin and some Dinosaurs on stamps of Togo from 2010

Some books of and about Charles Darwin
Darwin: The Man, his great voyage, and his Theory of Evolution On the Origin of Species: By Means of Natural Selection: Slip-Cased Edition Darwin's Fossils: The Collection That Shaped the Theory of Evolution The Voyage of the Beagle
"Darwin: The Man, his great voyage, and his Theory of Evolution", by John Van Wyhe. Published in 2018.
Amazon: USA, UK, DE
Free PDF files from Darwin-online website: "Charles Darwin: his life and work by Charles Frederick Holder, published in 1892"
"On the Origin of Species: By Means of Natural Selection: Slip-Cased Edition"
Amazon: USA, UK, DE
Free PDF files from Darwin-online website.
"Darwin's Fossils: The Collection That Shaped the Theory of Evolution", by Adrian Lister. Published in 2018.
Amazon: USA, UK, DE
"The Voyage of the Beagle"
Amazon: USA, UK, DE
Free PDF files from Darwin-online website.

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