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Switzerland 2010 "Dinosaurus in Switzerland"

issue Date printed out on 26.08.2010 ; in use since: 03.09.2010
ID Michel: 2167-2169 Scott: Stanley Gibbons: Yvert: UPU: CH037.10 Category: pR
Author Illustrator: Angelo Boog Consultant: Winand Brinkmann paleontologist from paleontolgy Institut and Museum of Zurich
Stamps in set 3
Value 5.10 CHF - Theropoda (named in 2019: Notatesseraeraptor frickensis)
6.00 CHF - Ichthyosauria
8.40 CHF - Pterosauria
Size (width x height) 33 x 28 mm
Layout 6 stamps per sheet
Products FDC x7 MC x3 MS x6 Info Pages x 4
Print Technique
Printed by Cartor Security Printing
Issuing Authority La Poste
Dinosaur and another prehistoric animals on stamps of Switzerland 2010

Numerous skeleton and footprint finds confirm what a lot of people do not know: many millions of years ago, there were dinosaurs in Switzerland too. Reptiles which are now extinct (saurians) lived not just on terra firma, but also in the water and in the air. Three new special stamps showcase a selection of Swiss saurians, bringing them back to life: Theropoda, Ichthyosauria, Pterosauria. Skelets of all three dinosaurus found at Switzerland: Theropoda and Ichthyosauria at Frick, Pterosauria at Kanton Graubuenden and can be seen at Sauriermuseum Frick
All three Dinosaurs are depicting on the stamps are lived at Switzerland in Trias period (220-65 M. years ago). The stamps are based on real founds of some fossils in Switzerland:
A skeleton of Theropoda, depicting on stamp of 5.10CHF, found in Frick on 2006, ad was the first Predator Dinosaur found in Switzerland.A skull fossil of Ichtyousaria, depcited on stamp of 6 CHF, is also found in Frick. Some fossils of Pterosauria are found in Kanton Graubuenden. Fossils of Theropoda and Ichtyousaria can be seen at Sauriermuseum in Frick.
These stamps are represent an accurate (as much possible for nowadays) of dinosaurs and their living environment. 3D models are cretaed for each dinosaur based on existed fossils.
These stamps are cancelled (CTO) and signed by an Illustrator Angelo Boog at Sauriermuseum in Frick on 03.09.2010. First Day Covers(FDC) where sold there by Switzeland post on the same day at the museum hall and could be post from there to any distination. These stamps and FDC are might be still on sale at the museum online-store


FDC (official FDC of La Poste on the left and FDC of Sauriermuseum Frick on the right side)
Dinosaur and another prehistoric animals on FDC of Switzerland 2010Dinosaur and another prehistoric animals on FDC of Switzerland 2010
FDC with Mini SheetsMini Sheets
Dinosaur and another prehistoric animals on FDC of Switzerland 2010
Used covesSouvenir Sheet with CTO stamps and some technical information

References: La Poste Post laesst drei Saurier als Briefmarkensujets reisen (local copy) on German Sechs Arbeitstage pro Marke (on German)


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