Niuafoʻou (Tonga) 1993 "Evolution of the Earth (IV)"

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Issue Date 03.03.1993
ID Michel: 237-240, Scott: 111a, 115a, 117a, 117b Stanley Gibbons: 120a, 124a, 126a, 126b; Yvert et Tellier: 179-182; Category: pR
Designer Mr. Ray Edge, Walsall Security Printers of London, UK
Stamps in set 4
Value 13s - Formation of Gemstones
45s - Early marine life: Jellyfish, sponges, worm
60s - Dinosaurs: Iguanodon, Brachiosaurus and Rhamphorhynchid in background

80s - Dinosaurs: Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus
Emission/Type commemorative
Issue place Niuafoʻou
Size (width x height) 30 mm x 35 mm
Perforation 14.5 x 14.25
Print Technique Offset, multicolor
Printed by Walsall Security Printers of London, UK
Issuing Authority Post office of the Government of Tonga
Dinosaurs and Plesiosaurus on stamps of Niuafoʻou 1995

On March 3rd, 1993, the Post office of the Government of Tonga on of behalf of their Niuafo'ou Island, issued the set of 4 stamps "Evolution of the Earth (IV)".
The first three sets were issued in 1989.

The first stamp of the set shows the formation of gemstones.
The second shows a scene of early marine life: jellyfish, sponges and worms.
Two other stamps shows some dinosaurs.
The designs from these stamps were reused for the "10 years of Niuafo'ou's Stamps" set issued 2 months later and for the "International Stamp Exhibit Singapore '95" set released in 1995.
Dinosaurs on stamps of Niuafo'ou Island 1995
Dinosaurs on stamps of Niuafo'ou 1995, MiNr.: 289-290, Scott:

During the "Dinosaurs Time" the Island did not exist. Niuafo'ou is a subaerial shield volcano formed by submarine explosive and effusive activity during the Holocene. (The Holocene is the current geological Epoch, which began approximately 11,650 years before present).

On June 11, 1993, the film Jurassic Park was released in the US. This was the first time when the general public could see very realistic reconstructions of dinosaurs and other prehistoric reptiles. Many Postal Authorities around the world, including Niuafo'ou, used this movie as an opportunity to issue stamps depicting dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals.

The first stamp shows a pair of herbivorous Dinosaurs such as Iguanodon and Brachiosaurus and a pterosaur Rhamphorhynchid flying above them.
The second one shows the classic scene - the flight of Triceratops with the Tyrannosaurus-rex.
Triceratops, indeed, shared the landscape with and was most likely preyed upon by Tyrannosaurus. So far, no one has found direct evidence of a Tyrannosaurus versus Triceratops battle. A healed bite wound on a Triceratops skeleton or an injured Tyrannosaurus bone corresponding to damage that could have only been made by a horn would provide paleontologists with a sign that these dinosaurs actually fought. For many years this fight was shown on images and movies where a Triceratops runs, rhino-like, into the belly of a Tyrannosaurus.
According to recent research, this defence mechanism would have not helped Triceratops out - as it would likely smash its skull and kill itself attempting it.
Most likely Triceratops would have tried to defend itself in a manner similar to modern horned animals. They would likely have shaken their heads from side to side and try to hit the aggressor.

Two short videos with reconstructions of the fight between Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus-rex.

Products and associated philatelic items

Monochrome Proof [1] Specimens [2]
Dinosaurs on stamps of Niuafoʻou 1993 Dinosaurs on stamps of Niuafoʻou 1993


[1] The Monochrome Proofs were done on thin cards and in black and white by Walsall Security Printers of London UK, and were used to check the design. The perforations on the proof are only simulated.
The monochrome proofs were produced, in amounts of 20, after the Cromalin one, then sent to Tonga for the officials to check. When accepted, they were sent to stamp magazines to illustrate the upcoming new issues.

[2] The "SPECIMEN" overprint in black was the normal specimen overprint done for most sets of Tonga from 1981 to 1997.

[3] Tonga did not issue any imperforate stamps from this set, the only imperforates known are genuine plate proofs, and come from the Walsall Security Printers archives. on Facebook - Welcome to join !



  • Many thanks to Mr. Greg Jorgensen from Australia, who sells philatelic materials from the archive of Walsall Security Printers on the Internet under the moniker tonga2, for explanations about their printing process.
  • Many thanks to Dr. Peter Voice from Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Western Michigan University, for reviewing the draft page and his very valuable comments.

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