Jersey 2017 ""Durrell & Darwin – 25 Years of the Darwin Initiative"

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Issue Date 14.06.2017
ID Michel: 2123-2128, Bl. 155 (2129) ; Scott: 2049-2054, 2055; Stanley Gibbons: 2162-2167, MS2168; Yvert et Tellier: 2208-2213, F2214; Category : pR
Design Sara Menon, Charles Darwin portrait © PA images
Stamps in set 6 plus the Souvenir-Sheet with one stamp
Value 49p - Mangrove finch
63p - Livingstone's fruit bat
73p - Telfair's skink
79p - Mountain chicken
90p - Hispaniolan solenodon
£1.07 - pygmy hog
£3 - portrait of Charles Darwin
Emission/Type commemorative
Issue place
Size (width x height) stamps: 30.6mm x 38mm;
Souvenir-Sheet size 90mm x 120mm. Stamp within Souvenir-Sheet die size 42mm x 60mm
Layout sheets of ten (2 across x 5 down)
Products FDC x2, PP x2
Perforation perforated stamps: 14 x 14 stamp from the Souvenir-Sheet: die cut 7
Print Technique Offset lithography. Souvenir-Sheet printed on FSC sycamore, self-adhesive
Printed by Cartor Security Printing, France
Issuing Authority Jersey Post Ltd

On June 14th, 201z, the Post of Jersey issued a set of six stamps and a block with title "Durrell & Darwin – 25 Years of the Darwin Initiative".

Below are quotes from official press releases, printed in the presentation packs, reverse side of the FDC and in the magazine of Jersey's Post.

This stunning issue features the first Jersey stamp to printed on wood. Illustrated by Sara Menon, the animals and birds that feature on the stamps are subjects of conservation projects undertaken by the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust with support from the Darwin Initiative, which this year celebrates its 25th anniversary.

The Miniature Sheet, which has been printed on FSC certified sycamore, features a portrait of Charles Darwin. The fact that the wood grain can be seen through the image means that each Miniature Sheet is unique.

Durrell, Jersey's famous Wildlife Conservation Trust and Zoo, was established as an international charity by naturalist and author, Gerald Durrell OBE in 1959. The Trust is one of the Island's greatest focal points in terms of conservation and environmental projects. Its mission is to 'save species from extinction' by managing breeding programmes for release back to the wild, conducting training courses in conservation practice and animal husbandry, and by communicating important messages to visitors. During the course of its conservation programme, Durrell has partnered with the Darwin Initiative - a United Kingdom Government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide.

The Darwin Initiative's 25th anniversary in 2017 provides an opportunity to shine a light, both locally and internationally, on some of the projects and successes undertaken by Durrell, with six of their subjects being featured within this stamp issue. The Miniature Sheet which accompanies the stamps has been printed on FSC certified sycamore, ensuring that it comes from well managed forests that provide environmental, social and economic benefits. The stamp itself features a portrait of Charles Darwin, a source of inspiration for naturalists and conservationists all over the world. It is set within an illustration depicting Mountain chickens in the rain forests of Montserrat.

Products and associated philatelic items

FDC Example of circulated covers Post Cards
Prehistoric animals on FDC of Jersey 2010 Prehistoric animals on stamps of Jersey 2010 Prehistoric animals on FDC of Jersey 2010
Presentation Packs Set of Mini-Sheets
Prehistoric animals on FDC of Jersey 2010 Prehistoric animals on FDC of Jersey 2010 Prehistoric animals on stamps of Jersey 2010

References on Facebook - Welcome to join !
Technical details and official press release:
Stamp magazine of Jersey Post; Presentation Packs [1], [2]; reverse side of FDCs; colnect


Many thanks to Dr. Peter Voice from Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Western Michigan University, for review of a draft of this article.

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