France 2014 "Booklet - The Dynamics"

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Issue Date 06.01.2014
ID Michel: 5748I-5759I ; Scott: 4537-4548 ; Stanley Gibbons: 5494-5505 ; Yvert et Tellier: A927-A938 ; Category: pR
Design Sylvie Patte & Tanguy Besset
Stamps n set 12
Value Permanent Value for local letters prioritaire up to 20g, €0.66 equivalent
Emission/Type commemorative
Issue place Paris
Size (width x height) stamps: 38 x 24, booklet: 254 x 56
Layout Booklet of 12 stamps
Products None
Paper stamps with 2 phosphor stripes (left and right)
Perforation die cut 11
Print Technique Rotogravure
Printed by Phil @ poste
Quantity 3.000.000
Issuing Authority La Poste
Ammonite fossil on stamps of France 2014

On January 6th, 2014, the Post Authority of France issued a booklet of 12 self-adhesive stamps. These stamps have permanent validity and cover the cost of a priority letter up to 20 gr in weight in France.
Ammonite stamp of France 2014
Ammonite stamp of France 2014 MiNr.: 5752I, Scott: 4541
The booklet highlights the mystery of motion, especially that of the spiral.
One of these stamps depicts an Ammonite.
Ammonites are an extinct group of marine mollusc animals in the subclass Ammonoidea of the class Cephalopoda. The earliest ammonites appear during the Devonian, and the last species died out during the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event.
Ammonites are excellent index fossils, and it is often possible to date the age of the rock layer hosting a fossil of a specific species of Ammonoid.

Products and associated philatelic items

Examples of Circulated Covers
Ammonite stamp of France 2014 on circulated letter Ammonite stamp of France 2014 on circulated letter Ammonite stamp of France 2014 on circulated letter on Facebook - Welcome to join !


  • Technical details and short description of the stamps:
    La Poste, Colnect.
  • Ammonite:

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