Marshall Islands 2009 "Prehistoric animals"

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Issue Date 24.11.2009
ID Michel: 2518-2522; Scott: 956a-956e; Stanley Gibbons: Yvert et Tellier: Category: pR
Design D. Zoe Seemel, Artwork: Don Balke
Stamps in set 5
Value US$ 0.44 - Mastodon Roaming Prairie
US$ 0.44 - Eohippus Eating Tree Leaves
US$ 0.44 - Mammoth Walking in Snowstorm
US$ 0.44 - Sabretooth Cat Perched on Rock
US$ 0.44 - Mastodon Mother and Baby Drinking in Marsh
Emission/Type commemorative
Issue place Majuro
Size (width x height) stamps: 31 mm x 40 mm
Sheet: 179 mm x 184 mm
Layout Sheet of 20 (4 strips of 5 stamps)
Products FDC x1
Paper unwatermarked gummed paper
Perforation 13.5 x 13.5
Print Technique Black, cyan, magenta, yellow by offset lithography
Printed by Printing, Cheyenne, Wyoming, U.S.A.
Issuing Authority Marshall Islands Postal Service.
Prehistoric animals on stamps of Marshall Islands 2009

On November 24th, 2009, the Marshall Islands Postal Service issued the set with five stamps shows Cenozoic's mammals. The stamps were printed in a strip of all five stamps.

Below are, quotes from the official press release, of the Marshall Islands Postal Service, printed on the reverse side of FDC.

Towards the end of the Mesozoic Era about 65 million years ago, changes began to take place on Earth, resulting in the growth of mountain ranges and a colder and more arid climate. Swamplands and shallow oceans dried up, hastening the extinction of many reptilian species. These geological and atmospheric changes prepared the way for the next age of history: the Cenozoic Era, also known as the age of mammals.
During this era, ancestors of present-day mammals including early elephants, horses and camels originated. Carnivores proliferated and evolved into canine and feline types of animals. While some creatures adapted very well to the changing environment, others could not tolerate the new conditions and migrated to more temperate areas. Those that could not adapt eventually became extinct.

Note: according to the
  • Mastodon is not a genus, but the colloquial name for members of the family Gomphotheriidae. The depicted genus is probably Mammut.
  • Eohippus should be Hyracotherium
  • The sabretooth is probably Smilodon

Products and associated philatelic items

FDC First-Day-of-Issue Postmark
Cenozoic's mammals on FDC of Marshall Islands 2009 Smilodon on commemorative postmark of Marshall Islands 2009

References: on Facebook - Welcome to join !
  • Technical details and short press releases:
    Marshall Islands Stamp Catalog (this website does not exist anymore), Stampedout, colnect,
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